Lucci has no future sight so he gets wrecked.
Bullshit since Kat with future sight whom fought base luffy for 11 hours didn't even detect that his little sister was tagging luffy while he was fighting him lol.

The same Kats future sight couldn't help him land his bean against sanji.

The same future sight Kat couldn't predict himself being poisoned and confused by Ceasar clown.

So no. Future in this fight won't help him against lucci especially since lucci already fought a future sight user in g5 luffy with both of them being vastly superior to katakuris speed


Touch The Grass
Kidd was such a trash character lmfao, why did Oda even waste panels on that clown 😂
Zoro will never be above Katakuri level at this rate
Katakuri is invincible against anyone without future sight or speed relative to Kizaru.

Zoro gets low-mid diffed by Katakuri tbh.
Lucci has no future sight so he gets wrecked.
King is on the same level as Jack according to databooks so that about where Zoro is