Gorosei Informer

"Do not be scared about the bottom" always gets me, I wonder if he's ever seen this?
Hahahaha I think he has tbh! I think he might find it funny too tbh, especially if hes in a good mood haha. I love the other one of him insulting Jamie Oliver too!:

I can see his buddies Gino (who is a legend too) and Fred laughing their asses off him at him "talking dirty" too lmfao.

This is great too:


Gorosei Informer

Queen time soon in the anime and new profile pic :funky::funky::funky:
Oh hell yeah! Zoom zoom zoom zoom time! I can't wait to see his wackier moments animated hahaha! Queen is too iconic, I hope he returns and becomes a recurring character somehow! Need that MADS reunion too!

It was so awkward trying to post this with this playing randomly in the background too LMFAO!:

I love someones idea recently that Big Mom Pirate remannts should ally with Beast Pirate remannts, maybe any remaining WB remants too? As a sort of Rocks crew-like alliance thing? Someone even suggested they should join Cross Guild and really make them a Yonko crew LMAO!