Gorosei Informer

wait you didn't like Wednesday? I thought it was pretty good besides the weird love plot
(Moved here so its not offtopic in that thread ofc lol)

Honestly no tbh.

As someone who grew up deeply loving the Addams Family and finding the animated movies to be grossly overhated and slandered, but this to universally acclaimed is driving me insane tbh lol. I really enjoyed the recentanimated films, even though I expected them to be terrible and even hated the 2nd one entirely before I watched it too.

The new Netflix Wednesday series did some things very well, don't get me wrong but a lot of it made me cringe and disgusted.

Some of the things I liked were Uncle Fester's characterisation, bringing back Christina Ricci as Wednesday's principal (pretty funny way to involve her but weirdly heartwarming too, although what happened with her really pissed me off too), Thing itself, Morticia and Gomez were not bad but they will never be as good as the OGs from the 90s movies and animated series especially.

I was extremely impressed with Jenna Ortega, she went ALL OUT for this show, including learning to speak German for it at least, learning to play cello to a seemingly professional standard and in such a short time, improvising that entire iconic and awesome dance she did, with influences from the original Addams Family show and other things and so on. I thought she was phenomenal regardless, she really captured Wednesday's character perfectly and she looked amazing too.

The murder mystery plot was underwhelming and I didn't like the show becoming another typical Netflix young love/teen high school drama type show. Then it turned into a generic, supervillain plot with centuries of history/lore and then unironically concluded with the fucking werewolf or w/e he was escaping after being captured and something about a gigantic worldwide conspiracy plot, a nod to the IRL Illuminate conspiracy theories and tropes about evil, secret, super world controlling organisations in general?

At that point I just lost all interest and was extremely fed up and wanted to forget about the show, it felt very pretentious and nothing like Addams Family to me, just more like a skinwalker posing as as the IP, knowing what the IP was all about, understanding it, but bastardising it for the most part for its own egregious, insane, insufferable, self indulgent whims.

Scooby Doo has been grossly bastardised through some more recent variants of it and I absolutely hate them genuinely, especially Mystery Inc and that god awful new Velma show too. I've watched Powerpuff Girls get ruined brutally over the years, with sick, beyond questionable and ridiculous stuff too.

Just feels like my childhood is being ruined or violated in many ways, one by one with each IP that gets squandered by these self righteous, selfish opportunists tbh.

I love the song Physical too by Dua Lipa but hearing that in the Wednesday disco scene and the talk about modern social media/apps really bothered me too. I always found Addams Family to be within its own era/dimension like a fantasy series should be, something surreal and not realistic or wholly relatable and this was too on the nose, especially with them mentioning real life apps/websites or w/e too.

I know this is very harsh but I'm not the type to sugar-coat and thus hide how I really feel about certain things in life, especially something I've been very emotionally attached to/have vivid and thus fond memories of growing up and such.

I've tried to forget the series entirely after watching it so my memory is very loose atm of it but I genuinely felt insulted as a lifelong Addams fan and I never want to watch it again tbh. I wish I hadn't bothered in the first place.

This might not be what you want to hear as you really enjoyed it ofc, you thought it was very good as you said but I don't want to lie about what I thought and felt about the show either. The scenes of her with the cello were astoundingly beautiful, it made me think of a A Series of Unfortunate events and thus Violet (in terms of the tone I mean, Violet didnt play any instruments IIRC but I feel like she would/could have?).

Ironically, I love the Netflix version of that series, I used to love the books (well I still do I guess) and for once, Netflix actually did a wonderful, beautiful job of adapting it and made me cry for the finale, even more than the books did. Neil Patrick Harris was such a surprisingly good but in hindsight, perfectly fantastic choice to play Count Olaf and I didn't expect the series to surpass the previous film which I really used to love too.

I'm extremely surprised we didn't get a Tim Burton version of ASOUE or Unfortunate Events or w/e, that seems like that would be right up his alley, especially with his own personal gothic touch/style added to it too. Addams Family was always a perfect IP for him to tackle and do his own take and I did enjoy the cinematrography of this new Wednesday series, you could feel the Burton influence (I really enjoyed some of his films in the past too) but I couldn't enjoy this new Wednesday series no matter how much I tried or wanted to.