General & Others The ones who said Jabra was not in CP0 took a massive, huge L

Now the monkeys are coping with "Wapol speedblitzed Jabra" while Kaku is nowhere to be seen. Let them throw their tantrum shits.
It's just plot. People need to understand that a lot of shit happen because it must happen even if we have characters with observation haki (which I point out it's not always active). Btw this shit happens and even if it feels stupid, well in Oda's mind was necessary to the plot continuation.

I feel more weird about a single hole in one of the more secret room of pangea castle.
How you thought this is a W for Lanji is beyond me. With the evidence we had at the time there was no reason to believe he was in CP0. So drawing an obvious conclusion from the evidence isn't an L, it's being logical.

Next, since Kalifa, Blueno and Kumadori also made it into CP0, it isn't actually the W you think it is, if anything that's just de-hype for the entire CP0.

And Kaku/Lucci have been portrayed very distinctly from the rest of the group. They are in egghead with awakening taking on Luffy/Zoro trying to assassinate the world's leading scientific genius, whilst Jabra is with the rest of the scrubs at mariejou getting duped by Wapol.
It's just plot. People need to understand that a lot of shit happen because it must happen even if we have characters with observation haki (which I point out it's not always active). Btw this shit happens and even if it feels stupid, well in Oda's mind was necessary to the plot continuation.

I feel more weird about a single hole in one of the more secret room of pangea castle.
If Jabra didn't sense Wapol running through the hall, I guess Luffy's and Zoro's CoO are shit for not sensing Apoo despite the former having FS and the latter having "Muh muh Whitebeard's level CoO" LMAO.
Their basis was as usual because Kaku was Zoolo's opponent. Any of Sanji's opponents has no place to be near Zoolo's opponents to them, which doesn't make sense because Kaku ain't nothing special at all compared to Lucci.
Only braindead people like u can say kaku the bum who got negged by stussy is top tier :arnoling::arnoling:
I said near top tier with feats and portrayal to prove it, so stronger than Lanji will ever be. Now imagine a brainlet like you quoting someone after your comrade in stupidity made a thread claiming that a jobber is on par with people stated to be on a completely different level from fodders that fight Lanji, all because he appears in a panel with the other jobbers! Candy boys entire arguments are based on braindead takes like this. :kobeha: