General & Others The people of Wano Country deserved everything bad that happened to them.

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At first I felt bad for the people of Wano but as the story continued and we got the Oden flashback and the backstory Orochi, it turns out that the people of Wano are just absolute scum. They are even worse than the citizens of Dressrosa who imo are a bunch of idiots, they decided to persecute the entire Kurozumi Family even though they should know that only Orochi's grandfather was the evil one and not all of them but unfortunately they thought all members of the Kurozumi Family were evil just because of what Orochi's grandfather did.

I know plenty of people are blaming Orochi as well as Kanjuro and Higurashi for what happened to Wano but can you blame them? The people of Wano would hunt down and kill members of the Kurozumi Family whether they good or not as well as even the children, if they didn't persecute the entire family then maybe nothing bad would have happened to the country of Wano. Also some of the blame has to go to the Kozuki Family as well, they had plenty of chances to stop the whole persecution but they didn't do it and instead they let the citizens of Wano continue doing what they did.

Other minor stuff that the citizens of Wano did that makes them scum were almost killing Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, Kawamatsu just because they looked different, and also laughed and not cared about Oden because of him dancing then suddenly starting to care about him after Shinobu told them about why he danced.

Overall the people of Wano deserved for what they got and I really don't feel bad for them, the only ones I feel bad for are the children such as Tama and Toko but the rest nope.


At first I felt bad for the people of Wano but as the story continued and we got the Oden flashback and the backstory Orochi, it turns out that the people of Wano are just absolute scum. They are even worse than the citizens of Dressrosa who imo are a bunch of idiots, they decided to persecute the entire Kurozumi Family even though they should know that only Orochi's grandfather was the evil one and not all of them but unfortunately they thought all members of the Kurozumi Family were evil just because of what Orochi's grandfather did.

I know plenty of people are blaming Orochi as well as Kanjuro and Higurashi for what happened to Wano but can you blame them? The people of Wano would hunt down and kill members of the Kurozumi Family whether they good or not as well as even the children, if they didn't persecute the entire family then maybe nothing bad would have happened to the country of Wano. Also some of the blame has to go to the Kozuki Family as well, they had plenty of chances to stop the whole persecution but they didn't do it and instead they let the citizens of Wano continue doing what they did.

Other minor stuff that the citizens of Wano did that makes them scum were almost killing Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, Kawamatsu just because they looked different, and also laughed and not cared about Oden because of him dancing then suddenly starting to care about him after Shinobu told them about why he danced.

Overall the people of Wano deserved for what they got and I really don't feel bad for them, the only ones I feel bad for are the children such as Tama and Toko but the rest nope.
Kozuki clan did not even condemn the killing so the blame lies with shogun.

We cannot blame entirely on public as well imagine mass hysteria after poisoning their damiyos.


Justice, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Some see an innocent victim. Others will see evil incarnate getting exactly what's deserved.
Thats why there are courts in real life. Imagine mob giving the justice its no different isis were doing .
At first I felt bad for the people of Wano but as the story continued and we got the Oden flashback and the backstory Orochi, it turns out that the people of Wano are just absolute scum. They are even worse than the citizens of Dressrosa who imo are a bunch of idiots, they decided to persecute the entire Kurozumi Family even though they should know that only Orochi's grandfather was the evil one and not all of them but unfortunately they thought all members of the Kurozumi Family were evil just because of what Orochi's grandfather did.

I know plenty of people are blaming Orochi as well as Kanjuro and Higurashi for what happened to Wano but can you blame them? The people of Wano would hunt down and kill members of the Kurozumi Family whether they good or not as well as even the children, if they didn't persecute the entire family then maybe nothing bad would have happened to the country of Wano. Also some of the blame has to go to the Kozuki Family as well, they had plenty of chances to stop the whole persecution but they didn't do it and instead they let the citizens of Wano continue doing what they did.

Other minor stuff that the citizens of Wano did that makes them scum were almost killing Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, Kawamatsu just because they looked different, and also laughed and not cared about Oden because of him dancing then suddenly starting to care about him after Shinobu told them about why he danced.

Overall the people of Wano deserved for what they got and I really don't feel bad for them, the only ones I feel bad for are the children such as Tama and Toko but the rest nope.
Wano had problems before Orochi. However, Orochi and the last remaining of his clan don't get a pass just because they were treated like shit. Because what did the people of Ebisu Town do to him. Nothing. And yet he goes out of his way to strip them of their emotions. Returning evil with evil is not right, especially when you return it on people who don't deserve it. In other words, Orochi is doing the same thing that the mob justice people did.
Eh, 20 years worth of destruction and poverty has a major effect on their children and future generations who did nothing to deserve this. While what the Wano citizens did to the Kurozumi was abhorrent, repeating their mistakes is not a good thing. That's why Orochi is a villain. His not righting the wrongs, he's repeating them.
What he said. Orochi didn't learn anything from his suffering. He's doing the same collective punishment as his tormentors did.
oh absolutely,

look at scabbard too(and oden for some extense) , very definition of stlye over substance. They talk high and migh but cant even locate a traitor.

classic isolationist mind set
Both Kurozumi clan and Citizens of Wano did despicable acts and as a result innocents suffered. So no, none of the two parties deserved the agony they were subjected to, and none of them can justify the loathsome acts they've commited no matter the cause.
To stop the cycle people must stop pointing finger and accept their own faults, as it takes two to tango. Or the viscous circle keeps going on and on, someone has to be a bigger man, rise above hate and put an end to things.
What he said. Orochi didn't learn anything from his suffering. He's doing the same collective punishment as his tormentors did.
People never do... Take an example from the country I live in, here at present radical groups and extremists are causing friction between people belonging to diff religion. Whenever these religious fanatics do something awful, majority of the people won't condemn their acts as abominable but defend it by saying, "So what, the other side too has wronged us in the past, hence what was done is completely justified"
I agree the people deserved most of it for putting any kind of faith in Oden
For a short time, I was on the peoples side when they were bashing Oden (who was a deserter & a shithead), but then they flipped again

But the Kurozumi clan as a whole deserved death.
They've proven that they hold grudges, justifiable or not, so there was never going to peace after the Kurozumi poisoner died (Btw, his death was too good for him).

No Kurozumi member who was killed was "innocent". At best they just weren't guilty yet


The Road To Harmony
What they did wasn't right, but I wouldn't say retaliating against the entire country is justifiable. Not everybody fits this particular mold. Like you said, there are children such as Tama and Toko, but also well meaning adults like Shinobu, the people of Ebisu, etc.

Oden in particular showed both Orochi and Kanjuro fairness as individuals, yet their actions led to his death.
Both Kurozumi clan and Citizens of Wano did despicable acts and as a result innocents suffered. So no, none of the two parties deserved the agony they were subjected to, and none of them can justify the loathsome acts they've commited no matter the cause.
To stop the cycle people must stop pointing finger and accept their own faults, as it takes two to tango. Or the viscous circle keeps going on and on, someone has to be a bigger man, rise above hate and put an end to things.
People never do... Take an example from the country I live in, here at present radical groups and extremists are causing friction between people belonging to diff religion. Whenever these religious fanatics do something awful, majority of the people won't condemn their acts as abominable but defend it by saying, "So what, the other side too has wronged us in the past, hence what was done is completely justified"
Yeah, again, while they have a right to be angry about their persecution, taking it out on the whole country is just overboard. In this case, they are being the oppressors instead of the oppressed.
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