General & Others The Purpose of this Flashback


MD Zolo

[Let me begin by asserting that I love One Piece Flashbacks and I like this Oden flashback too. So, this is not a hate thread for Oden flashback. Secondly I know that the flashback is not over yet, and more things will come.]

Usually OP flashbacks have very high significance in terms of understanding the main struggle of the Arc. In another words, the flashback is intricately wrapped with the current affairs of the Arc. However, this Oden flashback has focused more on Oden's adventure with WB and Roger. We're seeing Oden's life chronicle. Which is exactly what Oda promised us, but how relevant is it to this arc?

The only thing relevant to current struggle was the Old Witch/Woman manipulating everything to get Orochi to power. And even that didn't get much focus, at least not like Roger's Adventure.

Everything else is just tying up loose ends (e.g. Izo), showing the might of the old gen (was showing Roger's fighting style even necessary?) or hinting future events (e.g. Laugh Tale and Lodestar Island). We didn't even get any hints for the traitor yet either.

Among the flashbacks we've seen so far, this one thus far has least explanation behind what's happening in the current time.

So, my question is this? Is this flashback meant to provide greater explanation for what has/will happen in this arc or is it being used by Oda to hint future events (with another flashback to explain Wano's predicament)?

Garp the Fist

The flashback hasn't really focused more on Oden's time at sea. So far it's been eight chapters long (technically starting one chapter previous but that was just two pages). The first four chapters were all about Wano and the gathering of the Scabbards. Oden leaving Wano was the fifth chapter, the sixth chapter was heavily about Orochi and his past. The seventh was the only one Wano didn't feature in, and given the end of the last chapter it looks like Oden will be back on Wano either in the next chapter or the one following. That's when we'll get Orochi's betrayal of Oden, which is basically what set the arc into motion.

And Oden's time at sea is essential to the main struggle of the arc. That's where Oden solidified his dream of opening Wano's borders. And fulfilling his will is one of the two main aims of the Scabbards, which we found out about back on Zou. And we all know inherited will is a massive part of One Piece.

I don't really see this flashback as being any different from other flashbacks we've had.

MD Zolo

The flashback hasn't really focused more on Oden's time at sea. So far it's been eight chapters long (technically starting one chapter previous but that was just two pages). The first four chapters were all about Wano and the gathering of the Scabbards. Oden leaving Wano was the fifth chapter, the sixth chapter was heavily about Orochi and his past. The seventh was the only one Wano didn't feature in, and given the end of the last chapter it looks like Oden will be back on Wano either in the next chapter or the one following. That's when we'll get Orochi's betrayal of Oden, which is basically what set the arc into motion.

And Oden's time at sea is essential to the main struggle of the arc. That's where Oden solidified his dream of opening Wano's borders. And fulfilling his will is one of the two main aims of the Scabbards, which we found out about back on Zou. And we all know inherited will is a massive part of One Piece.

I don't really see this flashback as being any different from other flashbacks we've had.
I can't comment on what is about to be shown. But my point was that we will be entering 9th chapter of the flashback with the next chapter, and we have very little that gives a clue into what happened in Wano.

We learned how the scabbards were gathered. That is very important, but at the same time it didn't relay much info. We still don't know anything about Denjiro or Kanjuro.

The biggest info bombs are related to WB and Roger. With most relevant info about the Arc itself coming out with Orochi's flashback.

As for how Oden's time on sea solidified his dream to open the borders, we don't know what exactly did that, do we? I guess this chapter hasn't been properly translated yet, but it seems Oda's answer is '....'. He didn't have any dream of opening Wano's border when he was at Moby and Dick, so it happened during his travels at Oro Jackson and I don't think Oda will reveal it yet.

So far, the most valuable info given by this Flashback concerns BB, Shanks, Roger and the Poneglyphs (and that old witch/woman). If Oden indeed returns 4 years after leaving Wano this time (i.e. at 21-22 years ago), he doesn't have the perspective to portray Wano's peril, does he?

We need someone who was at Wano to describe how Wano changed, don't we? That's my point.
I get what you are saying, but I think oda also wanted to show us that oden was a figure not only in wano but in the one piece verse. We will se more of his importance and his role in wano when he'll go back there.

And oda also said that wano was tied to the one piece, so that's what this flashback is about as well. There is more to come, in the flashback and in the present timeline.
I think the flashback has importance in three areas. Firstly, the flashback was introduced to show why Kinemon and the retainers are so desperate to free Wano for Oden's sake. Second it shows Orochi's scheme and his rise to power. Finally, it's also a segue into the importance Oden has into the discovery of one piece and the role Wano plays in that regard. I think when the arcs ends the flashback will link everything together nicely.


Zoro Worshipper
The purpose is to enlighten us about Oden's journey with also glimpses of the old gen that can make us understand a little portion of what's coming pretty soon
I agree, much of the new information in the flashback is very welcomed, but hardly relevant to the Wano Plot. Oda is being unusually detailed in this flashback, again it is very welcomed but takes the focus away from Wano.

I was mainly looking to find some traitor hints, hidden identity clues, Orochi's scheme, Kaido-Moriah-Ancient Giant information and Oden's downfall, but surprisingly the focus so far in on Oden's Journey with WB and Roger.

The thing I'm most afraid of is that this flashback is somewhat influenced by the Stampede movie and forces Oda to do the Laugh Tale reveal ASAP, which in turn become the perfect opportunity to fill in the gaps in our knowledge about Roger, Whitebeard and Oden.
To drag out the manga, simples!! I would have much preferred we got some of the war starting immediately after act 3 started and then have a flashback which I feel would be much more impactful and relevant to the story.