First, we have the current scenario:

After Dong Zhuo burned down the entire city of Luoyang, he moved to Chang'An, where he and his assistant Li Ru were murdered by his adopted son, Lu Bu. After Lu Bu took power, he accused Li Ru of killing Dong Zhuo, some generals remained on Lu Bu's side and others, already suspicious of his previous actions, accused him of actually killing Dong Zhuo and not Li Ru, two of those who fought against Lu Bu were:

Niu Fu, Dong Zhuo's son-in-law.

And the former military advisor of Dong Zhuo, Jia Xu, also one of the 8 Genius Military Advisors.
Niu Fu had sixty thousand soldiers: Fifty thousand divided into 8 camps outside Chang'an and ten thousand in the main camp..
Main Camp
Lu Bu had 3 camps, the author did not specify how many soldiers they had, but they were overwhelmingly stronger and bigger than the 8 camps of Niu Fu, Lu Bu also had troops from Ma Teng of Guang Zhou, so the rear of the main camp was quite vulnerable..
Main Camp
And Lu Bu had troops from Han Sui of Jincheng, so Niu Fu's 8 camps had a very vulnerable flank..

Back to the Lu Bu's 3 camps, the commander of the third camp was one of the Lu Bu's generals, Li Su.:

Using only a tenth of Niu Fu's sixty thousand soldiers, Jia Xu defeated Li Su in only 5 days and sent his head to Chang'an..

Li Su's death was very unexpected, considering that he was quite well known, so it forced Lu Bu to act sooner than he expected, and he contacted his spy, who was someone very close to Niu Fu, to kill Niu Fu and bring his head to Chang'an. Jia Xu already knew who the spy in the camp was, and promised Niu Fu that he would also defeat Lu Bu in 5 days, but he needed a catalyst, which was Niu Fu's life.
Niu Fu, as someone very loyal to his master, accepted to give his life to avenge his master (Here, Jia Xu couldn't tell Niu Fu about the spy that the plan would work perfectly, but as a sign of respect and friendship, Jia Xu decided to reveal it to Niu Fu, knowing his very loyal and pure personality that he would accept to give his life to avenge his master).

Before Niu Fu's murder, Jia Xu ordered the whole army to stand still and do nothing, but after a few days, all the high morale from Li Su's defeat was getting smaller and smaller, to the point that the generals were getting impatient with Jia Xu's strategy, which also caused the 7th and 8th to revolt against Niu Fu and switch to Lu Bu's side.
After Niu Fu's death, his army's morale went downhill, and Lu Bu ordered his entire army to attack Niu Fu's other 5 camps. To lower Niu Fu's army morale even more, Lu Bu exposed Niu Fu's head on a spike to all of Niu Fu's army, which also raised Lu Bu's army morale and made Niu Fu's army retreat very quickly. By late that night, Lu Bu had conquered all the other camps, leaving only Niu Fu's main camp.

Before talking the main part of this battle, let's see how our eyes usually react to ambient with darkness:
"The Cones detect colours very well, Rods are great for movement detection and monochromatic vision. You also have more rods in your eye.
Under normal light conditions, your eye relies mainly on the cones for your vision and the rods take a back seat (except for peripheral vision)
When you operate at night, the first thing you’ll do (say if you get dropped out of a vehicle) is spend about 30 minutes standing to, allowing your eye to adjust to the low light conditions. As you sit in the dark, your eye “turns off” the cones, and starts relying on the rods. Your vision goes very monochromatic. Any ambient light, whether it be, the stars, the moon will be picked up by your eye, allowing you to see quite well. It’s only on a completely moonless night, with heavy cloud cover obscuring stars, that you’ll struggle to see."

"The Cones detect colours very well, Rods are great for movement detection and monochromatic vision. You also have more rods in your eye.
Under normal light conditions, your eye relies mainly on the cones for your vision and the rods take a back seat (except for peripheral vision)
When you operate at night, the first thing you’ll do (say if you get dropped out of a vehicle) is spend about 30 minutes standing to, allowing your eye to adjust to the low light conditions. As you sit in the dark, your eye “turns off” the cones, and starts relying on the rods. Your vision goes very monochromatic. Any ambient light, whether it be, the stars, the moon will be picked up by your eye, allowing you to see quite well. It’s only on a completely moonless night, with heavy cloud cover obscuring stars, that you’ll struggle to see."
Considering that our eyes are more sensitive to light under these conditions, when Lu Bu finally arrived near Niu Fu's main camp, he saw scouts with torches not only in front of the army, but also on the flanks and in the rear.

Lu Bu also noted that the area where he and his army were located was very unstable and dangerous terrain; such terrain makes it impossible to escape with horses, let alone humans.

The scouts began to use the torches to signal the angle of the arrows based on the location of Lu Bu's army, using the light of the torch as a reference.
And since our eyes are more sensitive under these conditions, it was quite easy to follow.
Then... this happened:

Jia Xu waited for the wind to get stronger, so that the arrows would really get faster and stronger.
This was Jia Xu's checkmate.
He used Niu Fu's death to increase Lu Bu's greed, not only that, but the retreat of his entire army made it look like Niu Fu's army was collapsing, but everything was a fake, he calculated the terrain leading to the main camp, he calculated the wind, and even used the night to disrupt Lu Bu's army's sense.
A perfect strategy! A truly terrifying Maneuver of Darkness Technique that annihilated Lu Bu's army!

In 5 days, Jia Xu defeated Li Su, in more 5 Days, Jia Xu defeated Lu Bu and conquered Chang'an, all this... using only a tenth of Niu Fu's army.
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