Character Discussion The relationship between Doflamingo and Viola in Oda's mind


"D: I love the Dressrosa arc and have read it many times... but there is one thing I don't really understand. So I sent this question to the current sbs and you. "Why did Viola and Doflamingo call each other "Doffy", "Violet" in chapter 788 "How I fight"?" What were both of them thinking of at that time back then? P.N. Fuki

O: Hm, she was dashing against the enemy. There is a deep secret setting I can't tell you about though. I informed the supervisor about it, but since it is a pretty adult part of the story it remains hidden in the shonen manga which One Piece is. To all adults, please try to imagine yourselves. Dressrosa is truly a passionate country!!"

I think we all know what that means/implies. But it's still fucked up that this is what's considered canon by Oda even if it wasn't explicitly stated in the manga for obvious reasons

I think Oda in general can't write any female characters for shit because he lets his own personal view of IRL women get in his way when he writes fictional women
spoken like a virgin w no woman friends