Powers & Abilities The remaining logias

Wood makes sense, forest doesn't really
Ryokugyu explained himself in the term mother nature, but overall It's not new. He Is made of wood, but his power are broader.
Aokiji Is the same: his too Is not, in fact, the ice fruit: It's the cold fruit. He Is made of ice like Ryo Is made of wood, but in fact his fruit embodies a much general concept (cold) just like Ryo Is nature.

Oda takes a bit of both form eastern and western "idea" of elements, which Is different, and then adds what he wants basically.
Air probably got diveded in 3: Wind for Dragon, Smoke for Smoker and the more general Gas for CC; Akainu is a mixture of Earth and fire and so on.

Foul Legacy

Mythical Zoan is rare only.
It was wano which gave us Influx of atleast 5 mythical Zoans.

Kaidou , Luffy , Yamato , orochi , that ushimaru fox.
Then egghead proceeded to show endgame material 5 more mythical.