General & Others The repetition of "saving kingdom from a bad ruler" plot makes me sick

One piece used to have various type of plots that is more like a pirate stuff.
- Rescue missions (water 7 - enies lobbies, marine ford)
- pirate game challenges (devil back fight)
- survival plot (sabody)
- escape plot (impel down)

Now, we only have repetitive messiah theme where Luffy is liberating people from the bad rulers (punk hazard, dressora, wano, and whole cake in some extend). Even Kuma flashback is still in the same theme.

I dont get people claiming that One piece has a great story with masterpiece world building. Honestly, OP is boring af.
some of the east blue arcs were about liberating towns from a bad pirate ruler
alabasta was about saving a country from the bad guy who was going to become the ruler
skypiea was about saving it from the bad ruler
amazon lily was about saving it from a the bad ruler but she was a woman so she was converted instead of punched

fishman island was not saving a country from a bad ruler
punk hazard was not saving a country from a bad ruler
zou was not saving a country from a bad ruler
wci was not saving a country from a bad ruler
egghead was not saving a country from a bad ruler.

literally 2 arcs after the timeskip was about that most the examples that fit are from old piece
you cherry pick the examples you want to feed your le old good le new bad agenda
It's actually about defeating someone bad, because Luffy is a good guy.

It just happen that the bad guy is often someone who is in power, which is reasonable since OP set in a kingdom era, thus the repetitive Liberation story.