
"Shut the fuck up and enjoy it?" Really? How about you get some damn manners, respect and grow up? Don't be so damn rude to others especially if they criticise something you blindly love and worship so much. If you want an echo chamber, go to Reddit/Twitter/Youtube, this place is great because it actually allows diversity of opinion and criticism of OP and Oda, unlike the (at least almost )literal cults everywhere else!

If you really believe this is an acceptable standard for an arc that supposedly has been over 20 years in the making and waiting to see happen, then I'm just lost for words. I've seen shorter series including Rurouni Kenshin, Sengoku Basara, Bleach as well as a mostly comedy/slice of life /asburdist series like Gintama do this far better! What excuses does Oda have really? He worked on Rurouni Kenshin, he is Japanese and loves his country a lot and he's good friends with the author of Naruto! How can anyone fuck up this badly? Do I need to get started on how he fucked up with Orochi alone for a start?

Oda has been an extreme workaholic for decades now and he's been hospitalised at least twice due to it. Working up to 21 hours a day regularly and borderline sending himself to an early grave, destroying his mind and body for the sake of his severe addiction to working on OP and also incoporating the Japanese people's suicidal work ethic!
The LAST thing I ever want him to do is work even harder/longer and thus make lengthier arcs that require more time and effort to do!
Also I just don't want this story to get dragged out any further than they already have been, I already hate that he brought in Imu and Xebec and he keeps adding new characters, plot elements/lore reveals and such that further complicate the story/world building and such. Some of it is great don't get me wrong but Oda needs limits, he needs control. He can always save stuff for a sequel series or another series if he really wants to.

I've watched many beloved series end for decades now. I'm no stranger to it and I know exactly what it feels like, what it entails. I've been preparing for the end of OP for a VERY long time and personally, I hope Oda doesn't have to pull a Kubo and prematurely end his series because of severe health issues amongst other reasons or worst case scenario, Oda goes the same way as Miura and he passes away before he can finish his greatest and most long running work!

I do enjoy One Piece, I enjoy it a godamn lot. That's why I'm so critical of it too, it takes passion, it takes investment, it takes having an open mind, maturity, to realise something or someone you love isn't perfect and it has flaws and that is fine of course! But sometimes the flaws are also too much of an glaring issue and they need to be addressed and ideally changed if possible!

I'm not some blind consumer of anything, I refuse to blindly follow worship anyone or anything, I've already paid the price for doing that in the past multiple times. I crticise everything including myself, other people, things and people I love because I want better for them and I want better for myself too. That's how we grow, we evolve, we improve, that's why the human race evolved so much and changed the world so drastically, for better and for worse especially unfortunately. I actually praise Oda and OP a LOT and if you check my post history, you will see proof of that too, but it will probably be buried in my posts too. I also praise a lot of other things and people out there too.

But on the other hand, Wano and Post TS One Piece are absolutely terrible generally imo and I emphasise In my opinion and I will die on that hill if I have to. Pre TS OP was AMAZING and that was the reason it gained so much fame, so much success and love in the first place! Now it feels like a bastardised, flanderised, soulless version of itself, one that tries way too hard, so self indulgment, arrogant and complacent.

You might be fine with that, but myself and many others are not, whether you like it or not. A lot of people in this world will never share the same opinions as you on many things you love and adore, get used to it. Just try and imagine you're in my shoes and you receive a response like the one you just gave to me? How would you feel? If this response of mine has angered and or upset you, if it has bothered you in anyway as I'm certain it will, then you really need to think and reflect on that.

If anyone wants Wano to be longer than this (glares at Mr Morj) they are crazy! We've had 3 years of this and it's not showing any signs of ending anytime soon! How long has Act 3 dragged on for now? Imagine if this was meant to be 5 acts as people were predicting? Some of us actually want to live to see the end of One Piece ideally you know? Dragging out the story unncesssarily and just to milk it and especially the shameless, spineless, senseless fans is the worst part! Are you actually fine with how Oda is ignoring Devil Fruit names and Bounty reveals in the manga now too? Making us wait for SBS, VIvre Cards and such to get them? "Like DLC/eXPansion passes/micro transactions" in other words? Please don't tell me you are? Please?

I know I went on a massive defense of Oda and OP ironically and hypocriticially in hindsight on here recently, but as I said, it comes from a place of passion, of loving this series for a LONG time and being extremely invested in it. True fans are not afraid of what they love being criticsed because they know it's subjective and it doesn't change what they feel, how they feel about something too. They just accept it and even in best case scenarios, it turns out the criticism was accurate/needed and they even accept it and work together to help whatever is being criticised to be better/more successful and such.

I've still got so much more I could say but I won't, this essay doesn't need to be anymore obnoxiously longer than it already is and I already typed a now "Void Centuried" rant about certain aspects of OP and Wano, that I really don't want to repeat as I'll genuinely get angry again. I've said my peace now anyway. After the way you spoke to me, I have no further interest in talking to you and I refuse to be treated like that. Apologies if this is "too much whining and bitching" for you to read anyway!


Exactly! Lmao! They are exactly like this! I've been calling the OP community a cult for years because of people like this and the Reddit/Youtube/Twitter communities too! I wish I could respond as concisely as you guys can, I'm the exactly opposite as you can overwhelmingly see proof of above ofc!

You're hot when you're mad

Gorosei Informer

Tama is the real antagonist of Wano, Kaido and Orochi are mere lackies/slaves to her overwhelming evil power :pepedoffy:
LMAO, this is canon for me! Doflamingo eat your "Heart" out! Law can help with that too LMAO! Kaido shouldn't have been upset over Doflamingo and Orochi when he could have had Tama on his side instead! He sealed his own fate by attacking her earlier in the arc too!


Seriously though, what if Tama awakened her DF? And is this taming from her DF semi-permanent then? As in it doesn't even wear off when she's knocked out as far as I could tell/remember? Does she have to die for it to be stopped finally?
Or nullified by Blackbeard's DF or something alternatively? Now I'm being reminded of the absolute insanty and sheer brokenenss of Sugar's fruit, turning people into toys indefinitely and making everyone forget about them! What if Tama's fruit had similar effects to that too? What if she ordered people to kill each other or themselves? Jeez, this is seriously getting dark! So dark, Blackbeard approves of it!*

(Hello Darkness my old friend, I've come to Zehahaha again!)


*Editor's/Translator's note - We apologise for their insane ramblings, they are very sleep deprived and we do not share the same sentiments expressed by them and thus the same views they have. We do not associate with their beliefs and we can only apologise for the potential damage and distress that this may have caused you.

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Smoothie will shoot down Marco :madmonk:. Its interesting you mention Mont D'Or cause Oda really loves his powers and stated that he could have been a villian of his own arc! Hope we see more of him! And yes BM going to Elbaf is something I have been hoping for for quite a while!
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Fraudproductions :whitepress:
I rather take yonkoprod hint than lebrant...
It was the gif of all of the animated cuts from ishizuka's work in Wano in relation to zoro fight scenes, like purgatory onigiri, tower climb, tatsumaki, and some other cuts i don't quite remember, it was a really cool gif, hopefully we can get cool gifs like that made for the rest of the straw hats as well, well tbf there is a lot good material to work with to make that happen, just it takes work, anyways that is all:kata:
*u don't rember, never forgor:kata::kata::kata:
yeah that one:kata::kata:
I just waiting for Zoro oneshots apoo and some roofpiece scene to make a gif