Speculations [Theory]: Blackbeard & Luffy

To show disrespect or Power to another Yonko, an opposing Yonko would ask the first Commander or RHM to join their crew.

Also Roger asking Whitebeard for Oden (who was like a brother/RH to WB).

Going forwards, I think it’s not too farfetched for Blackbeard to ask Zoro to join him. It fits his character and is something Oda may do to Parallel Luffy’s status as an Emperor. Shanks may even ask Zoro as a test or a joke.

Gorosei Informer

I've been joking/theorising this may happen tbh. Either with BB or Shanks asking Zoro to join. Although with BB it was more of a joke that Zoro uses 3 sword style and BB has a theme of three with himself ofc. To be fair that kind of "logic" might work with Sanji as well given his name and being the 3rd son ofc lol.

I like that idea about Shanks there though, I can see him doing that.

I think Kaido recruited King in a similar manner too but succeeded in his case.

I can also definitely see BB trying to pull something like this too.



Zoro Worshipper
To show disrespect or Power to another Yonko, an opposing Yonko would ask the first Commander or RHM to join their crew.

Also Roger asking Whitebeard for Oden (who was like a brother/RH to WB).

Going forwards, I think it’s not too farfetched for Blackbeard to ask Zoro to join him. It fits his character and is something Oda may do to Parallel Luffy’s status as an Emperor. Shanks may even ask Zoro as a test or a joke.
Well Zoro is not too different from Shiryu in certain quirks. He is less blood thirsty and not evil, but he has a demon spirit lying inside him. Furthermore Zoro represents power and Teach cares a lot about power.