Theory Theory "The Void Century" is happening now!

We already know that it's possible to predict the future in One Piece! I'm not just talking about future sight!
What if in the "TRUE PAST" the world was already under the thumb of the WG/Celestial Dragons. By whatever means someone be it a single person or a civilization saw a future of liberation!

I'm going to refer to both the World Government and Celestial Dragons just WG from here on out.
The WG discovered this possible or highly likely future! The WG is not trying to erase the past but instead prevent this future!
The Kozuki Clan or former people of Wano created the poneglyphs!

Archaeologist in the One Piece universe mistakenly thought that the
poneglyphs were all about history.

In actual fact the poneglyphs mostly speak of the future. Maybe not all of them.
The world government is not trying to erase or hide the history of just the void century!
They are trying to desperately prevent the future that they greatly fear.
This technically means they manipulated a lot of information about the
true history. Mostly by making sure no one discovered that the void
century had yet to happen. In order to do this you do need to prevent
the Poneglyphs from being read and probably spread other lies etc.

There is no trace of the Ancient Kingdom because it does not exist yet.
Clover was shot before he could say the name. Be awesome if the name
was something that the readers and various people in the One Piece
Universe would realize could not have existed in the past etc.

People like the "Original Joy Boy" "Shandians" etc... they made temples and Strawhats as like an Idol or Worship
to there future saviour. Maybe they viewed them as Gods. Maybe they had to do this in order to maintain the future they saw?

They knew a boy from the future wearing a Strawhat and his allies would bring Liberation.
So essentially the Joy Boys in the past were chronologically the first to bear that title. Or at least something along those lines.
They were paying tribute to the future that they hoped for... no the future they knew would come to pass.
It's probably possible to actually change the future? But maybe not. Maybe the WG could
delay it? Or thought they could change it? But a lot of the predictions are to exact
so I have a feeling it may be impossible or nearly impossible to change this future.

I don't have much more to say. Here is a quote about the Void Century "The Void Century is a century-long gap in recorded and archaeological history, the study of which is forbidden by the World Government. The events of this period are so important and relevant that by learning them, one is said to become aware of the "true history" of the world "

If you discovered that events that were suppose to take place 800 years ago! Were happening now and or have not happened yet. That would absolutely reveal the "True History." And turn the world upside down? I think that was a quote? Maybe more like turning history upside down.

Now is the part were you pick this all to death!
Because I'm not sure I actually believe my Theory. It's loosely based on some other theories. Some major issues with it.
Some of them can be solved by lies spread by the WG and or misunderstandings about history.

It's also possible I only have this half right. Perhaps there was a void century 800 years ago. But some of the poneglyphs
are about the future. But not the ones pertaining to the Void Century. I'm giving this theory a low chance at being true.
But I had to write it as if I was confident.

But as far as I am aware and I did some searches. I have found no YouTube videos or google searches about people saying
the Void Century is the present or future. Not saying there is none. I expected there to be some. If you find or know of any please
link source I want ammo to backup or defeat this theory.

Issues with Theory:
I don't know if I will update this list. Or how much I even care to discuss this theory much at all.
But Zunesha is a major issue. He talks about Joy Boy returning. Zunesha mentions 800 years ago.
That is a problem. One major aspect of my theory being true would mean that events told in history
either happened at a different moment in history or could happen in the future. Zunesha has been
around for at least 800 years. If my theory is true Zunesha cannot be talking about the Void Century.

Remember the Void Century represents 100 years of history missing. This missing history was suppressed
by the world government but is actually about the future. Listen if my theory is true at all. The closer
we get to Oda revealing the truth he needs to build up the myth more and more. Have Zunesha mention
events from 800 years ago! The viewers are all like wow... finally going to learn more about the Void Century
and then BAM you discovery the One Piece and learn that those events have yet to happen. Which is part of
Gol.D.Roger finding it to soon.

Like sure I imagine very important things happened 800 years ago. Just not what we think. As many
of those things we think happened around 800 years ago have yet to happen.

P.S I suppose an alternate title or two to my theory would be "There is no Void Century" or "Poneglyphs are visions of future" but I choose the one I went with. Lets be honest if people believe that there is only 100 years of missing history! The WG is happy with that. They still want to prevent as much research into the Void Century as possible. But I'm betting they are somewhat happy that people believe it's the past. It has people looking to the past for something that never existed. Essentially a wild goose chase. Instead of getting closer to learning the truth. The truth is probably that much more of the past was manipulated not just 100 years. And that the Poneglyphs are of the future. If the WG started this rumour or if it was a misunderstanding by Archaeologist who knows.
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CoC: Color of Clowns

Rock that Soul!!!
Wow, interesting theory! That would be a huge twist! The World Government wasn't trying to erase the past: they were trying to erase Toki's prophecy and the legacy of Wano, to keep the Ancient Kingdom from being formed during the Dawn. I'm not sure it works out fully, but I love the idea!
Thank you both for replying. If it was not obvious I'm not confident in this theory is true or if it's even possible. Or heck if I would even want it to be true. It goes against some aspects like I like in series. But if it is in any way true Oda could probably pull it off. Most story writers would screw it up. It's about time I share my main inspiration for this theory.

It's from a video on youtube titled
I Think I Accidentally SOLVED The ONE PIECE... Oda ISNT HUMAN If This Is True.
I'm not sure that I completely buy everything in that video. And it's long. I feel like a lot of things said in that video are true.

There is some overlap between our theories. However in this video they don't really mention
anything about the Void Century not being true, or happening now. They don't really point out that the
poneglyphs are text depicting the future. But there is a key aspect of this video that goes down a path
that can lead into my theory etc. And I keep saying my theory at the end of the day I don't really care
about it being my theory or not. I just wanted to share it cause I thought it was neat. And possible some truth to it.
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