Powers & Abilities There are Six Haki Abilities & CoC Upgrades them All


Zoro Worshipper
I can imagine that Oda sensei will presumably choose to upgrade one's abilities with ACoC if they do possess it rather than just say " ok let's make one character use just one type, CoA or CoC, I believe it would be the most appropriate choice it he did, the most fair.
Nice one lol alright i will start writing it right away
sanji's case was just radar he has more range than luffy, luffy only focuses on the enemies in front of him, a similar thing happened when batman attacked, luffy with his future sight couldn't see the arrow, but zoro blocked it
CoO users can focus on certain aspects of CoO sanji has the radar, and luffy has future sight
Yes, that's what we noticed, however Luffy himself said that Sanji have better CoO overall just like Koby had better CoO than Helmeppo. For example Enel have most insane Basic CoO & yet he doesn't have Future Sight because it's different than Basic CoO
what makes me think that the mary's are just robots is the fact that yamato is confidant that she could fool them with that doll she made of momonosuke, if the mary's are truly capable of CoO they should detect his presence
they do work similar to denden moshi though
Yes they are indeed Robots but the fact that Kaido ordered their creation & doesn't rely on Den Den Mushi means they are based on something that exists. Just like Germa Bodies are work of Science & not Haki & yet there exists Haki Barrier & just like Pacifista have Kizaru's Lasers & yet they didn't eat his DF ... etc

Oda is trying to show us that Humanity is trying to re-create certain Powers that are Natural such as Haki Enhancements & DFs.
And all of that by tempering with Lineage Factor
momo is currently using radar with enhanced range like koby sensing the pirate submarine releasing a torpedo from far away, momo can only feel luffy's strength (weakened) and presence and also emotions (lively/high spirited), he doesn't see what's happening
Yes but that's for now. Momo has yet to discover & learn his Powers.
CP-0 Leader clearly hinted that Dragons have a Fearsome Ability that is Extremely Major Threat.

Ans so far we have seen two:

1. Momo's Special CoO
2. Kaido's Elemental Attacks

When we combine these two, what do we get? All Seeing & Weather Controlling Dragon!!
And that is Uranus (Sky version of Poseidon)
Pluton is a Ship while Poseidon is a Princess & finally Uranus is a Dragon

This Uranus Powers are clear, he can see everything around the world & can cause Weather Change anywhere he wants.
In other words Uranus = Dragon Sky Ruler

Kaido can create Clouds, cause Storms, Tornadoes, Lightning, Fire & who knows what else
While Momo have insane CoO Range & shared Vision with Zunisha even though he is Young & have no idea what his Powers are.
So imagine a Full Power! That's what CP-0 Member meant!

And we saw Uranus before, it was The Egg on Roger's Ship. That is a Dragon Egg.
After all, Shiki met Roger & said that he found One of Ancient Weapons but we saw Roger's Flashback & he didn't learn about Poseidon until he met Oden & started his last Journey which happened after Edd War & we also don't know where Pluton is but Crocodile was very certain it was in Arabasta Kingdom & yet we know that Roger never accessed Arabasta Poneglyph because we know from Cobra that no one entered that Tomb for Ages.

I'm pretty certain that Uranus is a Dragon & one of my next Threads will be about the History of this Dragon & why WG are interested in it more than other Ancient Weapons
the difference is that with training people get better control over their abilities, but in shyarly's case the premonitions just come to her randomly even though she spent most of her life using it, she still can't pinpoint a specific time or place or person to know it's correlated future, all she can do is activate her ability and she will recieve a random future event
No, that isn't Accurate.
She does have Random Visions, but she also can check for things herself.
For example Roger clearly asked her about Birth of Mermaid Princess & she verified it & answered right away showing that she can choose what to see in addition to having random visions of major events.

And as i said before, it's possible that she isn't the one with the Special Future Vision, maybe it's Pudding & Big Mom doesn't know her Potential yet

Anyway, i liked all your input on this subject, thanks for everything, i will edit this Thread to make it as more accurate as possible & then continue with other Threads.


Do I have to read all that head cannon? I read few lines and was enough. CoA + CoC made black blades, what about Roger and WB? There are many others points like, haki bypass elementals and materials of choice? So far only steel and fire were showed so we can't say this is a thing.
"Hardening" and Barrier are almost the same thing. Barrier is a different application of hardening. There is no hardening on weapons, this is what you call barrier. When you use without weapon it gives that barrier impression. So fist barrier = weapon hardening. Weapon barrier doesn't exist(only adv CoC). Just remember Luffy never used that barrier thing, he jumped straight to internal damage.
Internal Damage bypass defense? We only saw Luffy using against Kaido. Kaido let himself get hit at 1000. How would that work on BM with her haki defense full time?
(Being Edited. Only Half is Properly Finished, Rest will be Organized later)


Seeing how Haki became a Hot Topic due to recent Chapters & Roof Battle, i want to try & List Haki Types & how CoC plays a part.

First of all, we know that CoO & CoA are Abilities that All Living Beings are capable of. It's just that some fail to Notice or Awaken them.
And we also know that Haki is basically the Use of Spiritual Energy to gain Several Benefits & for many Purposes. However there is Third Type of Haki which is CoC that cannot be Learned or Given & is only Exclusive to Very Rare few who were Born with it.

This CoC is Defined as Haki that Dominates others which is "Correct" but not "Entirely Accurate" because as we last saw in Recent Chapters, some CoC Users learned that they can Imbue their Attacks with CoC something that is normally done with CoA which means these Haki Colors aren't just Types of Use, they are completely distinguishable Energies.

It's not like Living Beings have One Single Energy & they can use it in Two Different Ways (CoO & CoA) & some Rare few have a Third Way (CoC), because saying this would imply Three Colors of Haki are just Techniques in how to use your Spiritual Energy, however CoC Imbued Attacks prove that those Three Colors are completely Different Energies/Spirits

Based on this, we learn that Living Beings have Two Energies inside them (Color of Observation & Color of Armament) which basically what Defines a Living Being since it can both Sense (CoO) & Act (CoA). While few Rare Individuals have a Third Energy which is Color of Conqueror & it is what portrays them as not just Ordinary Living Beings but those meant to "Rule"

CoO Energy & CoA Energy differ from one Person to another & each Being can be Specialized in one of them or have one better than the other ... etc and Users showed that there are Multiple Techniques for these Haki Colors. However recently Luffy performed one of his CoA Techniques using his CoC, which begs the question, what would happen if CoC Owners use all their Haki Techniques using their CoC & not CoA or CoO? Let's jump right into it

Haki Techniques:


Basic CoA simply grants you the Ability to "Arm" your Willpower/Energy making the User not only rely on their Physical Strength but also on their Spiritual Power in Combat & that's why this Color of Haki grants the following Benefits:
  • Offence Enhancement
  • Defense Enhancement
  • Bypass Devil Fruit Immunity (Most importantly Logia Users)
  • Bypass Elements & Materials of Choice
However throughout the Story, we learned that with Enough Training, these CoA Users can learn to not only release their CoA (Basic Use) but also learn how to control it's "Flow" giving them Access to New Techniques that are as follows:
  • Hardening ---> Technique where User Heavily Concentrate their CoA to make their Energy Very Hardened & Fully Enhanced
    • This Technique can be Used on any Part of the Body wherever the User chooses such as Arm, Leg, Forehead ... etc
    • This Technique can also be Used on Entire Body usually to make sure the Opponent doesn't Hit any Un-Enhanced Area
    • This Technique can also be Extended to Weapons such as Swords granting them the Same Benefits
  • Emission/Barrier ---> Technique where User Project their CoA creating a Barrier around Part of Body for both Attack/Defense
    • This Technique can be Used to Repel Attacks & make sure Body isn't touched
    • This Technique can be Used to Damage Opponents without making Direct Contact
    • This Technique can also be Applied on Weapons to release the Haki from there & not User's Body
  • Internal Destruction ---> Technique where User let's their CoA flow inside their Target
    • This Technique is used to Damage the Target Internally (From Inside-Out)
    • This Technique is Suitable to Bypass or Ignore Opponent's Defense
In other words, someone who Fully Mastered the "Flow" of their CoA can decide to either Concentrate, Emit or Transfer their CoA depending on the Situation & who they are up Against. Because each of these Techniques have a different Benefit & depends on User's Preference:
  • Hardening is for Empowering Own's Offence
  • Barrier is for Empowering Own's Defense
  • Internal is for Weakening Opponent's Defense
Because when Two Opponents are Fighting, it's basically a Clash of their Offence & Defense, so the Fighters here need to make Choices & all those Three Techniques of CoA are needed. However these "Choices" are what make these CoA Techniques Restricted! Because Users will have to make Choices during Combat & switch between Haki Techniques or decide which Body Part to use it on ... etc which can really be a cause of their Loss if they aren't Careful enough or they make Wrong Choices or when they are caught off-guard.

So Logically, what should be the "Superior" Level or Mastery of these Techniques & CoA in General? It's "Permanent" Flow
It's when the Fighter make their Haki "Flow Permanently" allowing for Highest Effectiveness & Lowest Risk in Combat
In other words:
  • Hardening which Empowers Offence becomes "Permanent Empowerment"
  • Barrier which allows for Defense becomes "Permanent Defense"
  • Internal which Weakens Opponents becomes "Permanent Negation"
These Supreme Techniques aren't just Wishful Ideas that we wish to see in the Story. They are actually Unique Abilities that we did witness before & each of their Users were given Special Praise & Highlight for said Abilities. They are:
  • Permanent Empowerment/Hardening ---> Black Swords (Currently Only Mihawk)
  • Permanent Defense ---> Iron Body (Currently only Big Mom)
  • Permanent Negation ---> Continuous Haki (Currently only Shanks)
But the question is, why are these Supreme Abilities very Rare to the Point that we have only One or Two Users at a time?
Didn't we say that CoA can be Learned by any Living Being? So why this Rarity?

That's because it's obviously something that cannot be Achieved by anyone no matter how hard they Train their CoA & it requires a Special Ingredient that only Rare Few have, thanks to Destiny. Which is what obviously refers to "CoC", especially since we can notice that Two out of those Three are CoC Users & Third One is related to Zoro who also Have it so most probably he has it too.
And it makes Perfect Sense because CoC is Haki to "Impose" & "Rule" & "Overwhelm" & "Command" ... etc
In other words:
  • Hardening + CoC ---> Permanent Hardened Object ---> Such as Black Sword
    • Allows for Maximum Offence fitting to be King's Weapon
  • Barrier + CoC ---> Permanent Protected Body ---> Such as Big Mom's Body
    • Allows for Maximum Defense fitting for King's Body
  • Internal + CoC ---> Permanent Negation/Nerf ---> Such as Shanks's Continuous CoC
    • Allows for Maximum Domination fitting for King's Power


Basic CoO grants you the Ability to "Sense" Others & gain certain Knowledge related to them making the User use their own Spiritual Energy to create kind of a "Sixth Sense" & that's why this Color of Haki grants the following Benefits:
  • Presence Sensing
    • Aura Vision
  • Strength Sensing
    • Haki Sensing
  • Emotion Sensing
    • Intent Sensing
All of this Knowledge is related to things that Human Senses have an Understanding of & can only have a Limited View on, such as , How Strong is someone? Where are they? How are they Feeling? & CoO simply grants the User Full Knowledge of these Things making them feel like Super Sensitive Beings.

However throughout Story we saw that certain Characters have Access to Knowledge that should normally be beyond Limits of Senses & completely Unknown to Normal People making them Users of Advanced CoO Techniques & they are:
  • Future Sight ---> Ability where User doesn't only have CoO Awareness of Present but also of Future
    • Users get to see a Mental Image of what's going to Happen shortly
    • Users get to make Accurate Predictions of the Future giving them room to React & try to change the Outcome
  • Senses Sharing ---> Ability where User gets to rely on other's Senses to increase the Range of CoO Awareness
    • Users get to share their Senses with Others & have Synchronized Hearing, Seeing, Voice ... etc
  • Voice of All Things ---> Ability where User gets to perceive the Words of Animals & certain Inanimate Objects
    • Users get to Communicate with Animals & have an Understanding with them
    • Users get to Track & Feel Poneglyphs such as Roger who felt their Importance & Voice
These Abilities can be seen as Users being able to Control "Flow" of their Senses to break Boundaries that are normally Impossible for Normal People, which includes Time, Communication & Senses themselves. So similar to how we handled CoA before, what would be the Supreme Power of each of these Three Abilities? Again, the Key Word is "Permanent" because just like CoA, CoO also suffers from Limitation & reliance on User's Activation & own Choices,, however since CoO also depends on "Range" then another Key Word for Supreme CoO Abilities is "Global". In other words:
  • Future Sight which allows Senses to travel through Time near the User becomes Permanent Global Prophecies
  • Senses Sharing which allows Senses to be shared & used by others nearby becomes Permanent Global Sensing
  • Voice of All Things which allows Understanding of Animals & some Objects nearby becomes Permanent Global Authority
And it's no Coincidence that similar to CoA Supreme Techniques, these Supreme CoO Powers are also Shown before & not just some Imaginative Concepts, & they also have Unique Users who had these said Powers Highlighted. They are:
  • Permanent Global Prophecies ---> Shyarly (1 Year Limit so far)
  • Permanent Global Sensing ---> Momonosuke (Still learning)
  • Permanent Global Command ---> Shirahoshi (Still hiding)
What can be noticed from these Three Abilities is that these Three Users are gaining something that normally People aren't allowed to get, as if they are forcing their way! And this is something that reminds us of CoC which is the Power to Conquer & Rule, & that's why:
  • Future Sight + CoC ---> Conquering the Future ---> Accurate Prophecies
    • Allows for Maximum Vision fitting for King's Knowledge
  • Senses Sharing + CoC ---> Conquering Senses ---> Huge CoO Range
    • Allows for Maximum Perception fitting for King's Vision
  • Voice of All Things + CoC ---> Conquering Animals ---> Poseidon
    • Allows for Maximum Communication fitting for King's Authority


It's like there is this One King who have all these Abilities & his Willpower got Scattered & Divided
This King, he had Ultimate Weapon, Ultimate Body, Ultimate Attacks, Ultimate Vision, Ultimate Prophecy, Ultimate Authority & basically ruled over all Land.
In Luffy's Journey, he met with Best Six of each Category:

1. Mihawk is Best Hardening CoC User as Owner of Strongest Black Blade & Greatest Swordsman
2. Big Mom is Best Barrier CoC User as Owner of Unique Body & Natural Born Destroyer
3. Shanks is Best Internal Destruction CoC User who have Most Hyped CoC & showed that he can use it Permanently on WB's Ship
4. Shyarly is Best Future Sight + CoC User who can See the Future up to One Year & very Accurately (Could actually be replaced by Pudding)
5. Momonosuke is Best Sight Sharing + CoC User who can See what others can see, giving him best CoO Vision
6. Shirahoshi is Best VOAT + CoC User who can Command Sea Kings & is meant to Rule the Oceans

Do you remember Mihawk's Famous Quote about Luffy's Unique Power? That's right, it's Power to gain Allies & make people follow him! & that's how he will Defeat Im-Sama. Because this Final Villain is someone who is trying to be the Next True King, i mean think about it:

Im-Sama is hidden inside Mary Geoise unknown to the World & yet he knows everything that's happening, can decide who to get rid of & Gorosei bow to him.
If he was simply stronger than Yonko, it doesn't make him worthy of being bowed at by Gorosei! The guy is clearly way way Superior than Top Tiers & doesn't have simple Powers, he clearly have Ridiculous OP Abilities.

He obviously can See The Future & that's how he decides who to get rid of.
He also have his Vision on the entire World & that's how he knows everything that is happening.
He also have his Command over certain people & that's why Gorosei bow to him (Similar to how Trebol & Co. knew Doffy should rule because of CoC)
He also should be near Immortal & have Unique Body & that's why he keeps his Throne (And that's why Doffy needed & wanted Eternal Youth Operation)
He also should be Top Fighter & have insane CoC because he will obviously can put up a legendary fight
He also should have a Powerful Weapon capable of threatening the World (Just like every Arc Villain had one that threatens the whole Island)

But Luffy is the Man who will match him thanks to his Unique Ability to collect Allies & beat him with their Help & not by being lonely like Im-Sama.
Actually we saw Im-Sama before in One Piece, but i'm not gonna mention it now, i want this Thread to be only Haki related, but if you want more about Im-Sama, i can share Details in my next Thread.

Zoro will obviously replace Mihawk while Luffy replace Shanks, it's also possible that Pudding will replace Shyarly & instead of Big Mom (Who is kinda like Fake Giant), Luffy will ally with Strongest Elbaf Giant who imo have Unique Body like BM's & we ofc already have Momo & Shirahoshi who only need to master their Powers.

So in Final Arc:

Momonosuke will carry Luffy while he Fight Im-Sama who will Counter his King's Vision (Similar to Strong World Movie)
Shirahoshi will command Sea Kings to fight against Im-Sama Army who will Counter his King's Authority
Zoro will turn his Swords Black & become Greatest Swordsman who's name reaches the Heavens because he will Counter King's Weapon (The Moon obviously)
Pudding will awaken her Powers & be present in Final Arc to help Stop Im-Sama Predictions, so she will Counter his King's Prophecies
Elbaf King (Or maybe Big Mom indeed) will be the Key to removing Im-Sama's Immortality Countering his King's Body (Maybe her DF plays a part in that)

And then finally, once Im-Sama Vision & Prophecy is Countered, his Immortality is removed & also his Weapon of Mass Destruction is Destroyed.
It will be Luffy (Who surpasses Shanks) against Im-Sama in a Fair Fight where they clash with their CoC Imbued Attacks & Luffy will be Victorious ofc.

(This Theory will be Updated & Improved as we get New Info from Manga)
Bestest thread I've ever read :cheers:

I really found interesting that you relate CoA with humans' ability to act on themself and their environnement.

Actually, I consider natural elemental attacks (Luffy's Red Hawk, Zoro's Hiryu Kaen, Sanji's Diable Jambe) as part of CoA techniques.
I would called it "Elemental Conjuring".

There's also an odd attack Zoro used in Enies Lobby : Enbima Yonezu Oni Giri. He manage to bend his swords. Could this be a Haki technique ?
In that case, humans can alterate their environnement not only through "Hardening" but also "Bending".

Lastly, Ashura Zoro's Ichibugin turned Kaku's ultimate Rankyaku to dust.
If we follow the logic that "Hardening" is the equivalent of the solid state of matter and "Bending" the equivalent of the liquid state of matter, then turning something to dust would be the equivalent of the vaporing state of matter.
Therefore, the fitting name for this CoA technique would be "Evaporation".

What do you think about all of that ?
Bestest thread I've ever read :cheers:

I really found interesting that you relate CoA with humans' ability to act on themself and their environnement.

Actually, I consider natural elemental attacks (Luffy's Red Hawk, Zoro's Hiryu Kaen, Sanji's Diable Jambe) as part of CoA techniques.
I would called it "Elemental Conjuring".

There's also an odd attack Zoro used in Enies Lobby : Enbima Yonezu Oni Giri. He manage to bend his swords. Could this be a Haki technique ?
In that case, humans can alterate their environnement not only through "Hardening" but also "Bending".

Lastly, Ashura Zoro's Ichibugin turned Kaku's ultimate Rankyaku to dust.
If we follow the logic that "Hardening" is the equivalent of the solid state of matter and "Bending" the equivalent of the liquid state of matter, then turning something to dust would be the equivalent of the vaporing state of matter.
Therefore, the fitting name for this CoA technique would be "Evaporation".

What do you think about all of that ?
Many thanks, this is high praise ^^
I appreciate your feedback & will benefit from it for my next Thread

I do think many Techniques are manifestation of Haki, however they depend on the User's Characteristics & Skills so they aren't really General Techniques of Haki but more like Haki Identity such as Enbima Yonezu Oni Giri
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Btw guys, can you give me list of All Mysteries that u are waiting to be answered in One Piece.
So i make sure i don't forget anything when i write my Long Theory & Analysis because i think i connected everything & basically have an answer for everything that occurred in OP & hope i'm right in at least 70% of it
Great thread Salah, I hope the theory of Voice of All Things being CoO come true.
Thanks ^^ & i think it's True because Shirahoshi was Confirmed as CoO User in Viver Cards even though she never showed Basic CoO, she only showed Ability to communicate with Sea Kings so logically, since this Communication is called Voice of All Things when Luffy, Roger, Oden also heard Sea Kings then it means Shirahoshi have VOAT & it is a Form of CoO
For Advanced CoO techniques, I would encompass Future Sight and Breath Of All Things in a same category : Spatio-Temporal awareness.
If the Future Sight allows someone to perceive the future (I wonder if there's also an equivalent ability to be aware of past events 🤔 Robin's first haki ability ?), the Breath Of All Things on the other hand allows someone to sense the presence and movements of various materials and objects that compose his surrounding space (falling rocks, cursed swords, soil ...).
In that case : Breath Of All Things + CoC ---> Conquering the Space (or All Existing Things) ---> Omniscience ?
It would be pretty ironic if Zoro were to unlock this kind of ability considering his bad sense of directions and the fact that he doesn't pray God.

For the Black Blades, I don't think they're only made through constant CoA hardening and CoC coating.
In my opinion it is due to :
- the firm will to accomplish the same goal in each fight (Ryuma = defending Wano, Mihawk = becoming the strongest)
- the repeated use of HDA + HDR resulting from this firm will
- the emotions arising from the obsession to accomplish the same objective, which then mingled with the will of the sword itself to the point that the sword is now fully imbued of its owner's will (defending Wano, becoming the strongest).
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