Theory They changed Kuina's identity to Tashigi to avoid being on marine's radar

Zoro is the only Straw Hats who doesn't have a backstory yet so this led me to believe that we will see one after we saw a glimpse of it and Kuina's "death" will come to light from it.

Zoro's hometown Shimotsuki village that was founded by a family from Wano made it more convincing to me that they faked Kuina's death and changed her identity to Tashigi to avoid being on marine's radar.

She is the grand-daughter of Shimotsuki Kozaburo meaning her father Koushirou is not just a teacher and was likely on the hunt too so he wouldn't let her daughter go through the same path as them.

Koushirou may have begged Dragon to wipe her memories with Kuma and Vegapunk’s help or she's just faking it to avoid getting sus.

Could this be the reason why there's a lot of foreshadowing when it comes to Zoro and Tashigi moments? A low level marine who has an awful lot of knowledge about swords and has a soft spot for Zoro? Zoro who never freaks out to anything but seeing her face?

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Many left Wano years ago.
And two were confirmed shimotsuki and pretty sure there would be more cuz only 10 of them decided to settle in the village whereas remaining 15 went somewhere else.
If Zoro can have striking resemblance to Ryuma why not tashigi can resemble Kuina.
Kuinia was a clone of Tashigi by Vegapunk. Koshiro couldn't have kids, so VP being the hippy mad scientist he is, made petri dish kids for people that needed it. The sampling DNA coming from Navy donors and their children, hence somewhat Tashigi but not completely.

Falling down the stairs and girls bodies not being strong enough was just a cover story for clones having shorter lifespans.
This scene just more it more convincing to me it was covered up but for good reasons.

The timing of Kuina's death is suss when Zoro met Kozaburo.

Kozaburo had a face of curiousity when he sees Zoro's determination then the second one of close up is something else like it reminded him of someone.

That look on Koushirou’s face (shining glasses in anime usually means the character has an intent) and how he said yes without hesitancy which is strange because that was his daughter's sword.

Also, notice how Zoro was never able to see Kuina's Body? They were barricading him and Kuina’s face was covered up. There is some manipulation going on. Maybe Kozaburo told his son to fake Kuina's death so Zoro could focus on being WSS instead of aiming to beat her because he's related to Ryuma.
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yes I agree with this theory. I've heard a similar theory before from a youtuber called odacchi, the theory says that Tashigi is actually Kuina, and Kuma removed Kuina's memories. this theory makes a lot of sense to me, because Kuina & Tashigi has not just the same look, but also the same blood type.