Things you would like but one aspect is so bad you don't?

Anybody has something like that? For example I thought the whole concept of Undertale seemed interesting, but the whole tumblr gay furry culture is so all encompasing in it that it just makes it all suck anything good out of it.
Like if literally the monsters were weird nondescript creatures or blobs and if they all werent bisexual, I would check it out, but now it just leaves this weird aftertaste.
Other things is some anime, like maybe I would check out spyxfamily or something but with the whole "loli" culture in it I just can't get rid of the feeling that its made by and for pedos (Maybe better example is made in abyss which seems to have an intersting premise but the author is not even hiding that he is sick fuck and I heard he even draws kids getting tortured and pissing themselves regullary in that manga so no thanks lol😂)
For a real life thing, I would love to do boxing if head trauma didnt exist. I dont mind a broken nose, black eye or bleeding lip, but getting parkinsons or just turning a vegetable? Nah thanks)
Also lean, cause Im a bitch and heard the health effects are to severe😂🤷🏿‍♂️
One Punch Man- I don't find the humor in Puri Puri Prisoner and it turned me completely off the series.

Any series with Loli or chibi boys that give off the Mangaka is a "pedo" vibes.