Thoughts I had reading the Wano Arc. Some minor theories.

So we saw that Momonosuke was able to speak with Zou (somewhat) and use it as a powerful weapon. You guys think this will ever come into play during the Wano Arc? Or maybe way down the road when they're opening up Wano's border?

Whose shadow do you guys think Marco saw in chapter 984? My guess will be another surprise ally like Gecko Moria.
They wouldn't introduce him again unless he's going to be a part of the story again, plus he had a history with Kaido in the past in Wano (where he took Ryuma's body).
At the same time, there's a big chance it's not due to the fact he was faced by the Black Beard Pirates. :S

Will Big Mom really be an enemy to the Straw hats and his ally?
As the chapters go by, it seems like they're really trying to make it seem like they're going to be an ally. BUT when she drowned and woke up, Oda showed the good side of her. It can't be just some random story for her to be nice when she lost her memories (that's lowkey her true self right?). Maybe Luffy will punch her head again to make her lose her memory AGAIN and helping Wano's citizens instead of Kaido's bullshit. lmao.

Why was Kiku crying in the last panel? We do see blood (we CAN speculate ink, clearly they wouldn't kill him off that easily) after he/she fights Kanjuro.

One thing I'm pretty sure is that Orochi is not dead when Kaido chopped off his ugly ass head. I mean his DF power is some 8 headed snake dragon. Maybe he can die 8 times total? (When he transforms, maybe he'll have 7 heads now.) OR Kanjuro made an ink double of Orochi due to the fact he (Orochi) was in fear again after hearing the Samurais and the pirates arriving in Onigishima.

What do you guys think?

MD Zolo

Orochi appeared to be worried after learning that Samurai were coming to raid Onigashima. So, I wouldn't be surprised if Orochi had Kanjuro make an ink double of himself.

As for the rest, I doubt about BM becoming an ally and Moriah arriving at Onigashima.