Character Discussion To what degree is Mihawk evil?

Considering that he did not have any problem serving the corrupt world government, taking part in the execution of ace (who could possibly be innocent) and teaming up with rather bad guys like Crocodile and buggy

I guess it's a grey zone
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Considering that he did not have any problem serving the corrupt world government, taking part in the execution of ace (who could possibly be innocent) and teaming up with rather bad guys Crocodile and buggy

I guess it's a grey zone
Maybe he doesn't know the governament is corrupted. He helped the execution of a pirate what the fuck you mean he could be innocent you fucking commy. And both Buggy and Crocodile became better persons after Luffy beated them
Mihawk has never really been portrayed as an antagonist. Even in his introduction arc he just became a goal for Zoro to reach. When he fought Luffy, he was simply testing him too.

He's neither good nor evil - he's chaotic neutral, he just wants peace and might fuck up someone's day if he's bored.
He's a killer whose targets are also killers. Not like he kills innocent civilians.
Every innocent civilian buys from innocent civilians who buy from innocent civilians who buy from multinational conpanies who buy from gray area+outright illegally operating mafias therefore nobody is an innocent civilian