Powers & Abilities Toei gave Green Bull the Whitest Blade in the Universe and it is for a reason

Its like they are telling you guys

How dare you even THINK that Garden Cow of the White Blade can unlock the most prestigious and protected power up in the series.

To reach the level of Haki and Sword Mastery that

Gol D Roger the Pure Pirate King Swordsman couldn't achieve

The Guy who named his Son After a Sword

Silvers Rayleigh, the Zoro of previous generation, the guy who gave a Superior Admiral than Green Bull, Kizaru existential crisis, gave Blackbeard, captain of a former Admiral and a superior Admiral and a Fleet Admiral candidate PTSD and made him run away in fear while being 99 years old nearly dead asthma patient.

Man who is more famous than Yonko and Admirals and his name is known in all history books. That pure swordsman Silvers Rayleigh couldn't achieve it

"Its been a while since I used this sword" he said

Second Strongest Swordsman alive and Mihawk's biggest Rival Shanks couldn't achieve with his Gryphon Blade

Something Kozuki Oden, the greatest Swordsman in Wano history and one of the Only two people to scar Kaido, the Samurai so good he is in Kaido's top 5 list, couldn't Achieve

And Oden's own father saying as good as Oden was, he wasn't quite good enough to unlock Black Blade

Talking about Zoro, the guy who dedicated his entire life to Swordsmanship, the guy who is so good, he can scar Kaido, same Kaido garden bull is scared of, before even unlocking Advanced CoC and even after unlocking Advanced CoC, he still hasn't reached the level of Black Blade

And for what its worth, FUJITORA, THE BLIND SWORDSMAN OF NAVY, closest thing to pure swordsman in Navy, couldn't achieve Black Blade

What the entire Star Studded Roster of Swordsmen couldn't do besides one

But a random fucking Akainu fan boy Logia Admiral who barely even uses his Sword is gonna be given that power up.

Like how fucking stupid and delusional you have to get to believe in that.

Shame on you if you actually believed Green Bull has a Black Blade

This fucking guy who got WIFI diffed by second strongest swordsman ever


Lead them to paradise.
Posting in a black blade dick sucking thread.

Even though we dont know what they do but they must be the bestest because people said so.
Because oda drew greenbull sword as black color instead of white like normal sword like shanks, oden , fujtoria. Maybe hand in pocket coA sword without touching feat for greenbull.

For sake of your argument as greenbull have the white blade
Maybe new power up called white blade as new power with coA and have to be racist hghest level .
‘My cope is white blade > black blade > Normal blade. Why because maybe oda change his mind on black men are athletic superior myth and found white men mostly won world strongest man title and saw highlight of white running back trucking defender players.

That is my agenda of white blade superior for greenbull agenda

Greenbull coA is so strong that black blade is invisible in anime which it appear more white than normal sword . Thank you for listen for my Ted talk
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Because oda drew greenbull sword as black color instead of white like normal sword like shanks, oden , fujtoria. Maybe hand in pocket coA sword without touching feat for greenbull.

For sake of your argument as greenbull have the white blade
Maybe new power up called white blade as new power with coA and have to be racist hghest level .
‘My cope is white blade > black blade > Normal blade. Why because maybe oda change his mind on black men are athletic superior myth and found white men mostly won world strongest man title and saw highlight of white running back trucking defender players.

That is my agenda of white blade superior for greenbull agenda

Greenbull coA is so strong that black blade is invisible in anime which it appear more white than normal sword . Thank you for listen for my Ted talk
GB's sword is similar to Shanksu's sword, it gives him energy (Gryphon has haki from the Figarland).
Gb and his sword must be the most talked subject(after shanks being a swordsman) that has so many parties involved lol
To be fair oda draw that sword with a shade colour and an argument could be made even though it wasn't smooth enough and his claws were, someone can logically say that this is a black sword.
Then many sanji fans came up with the whole idea of sanji dealing/breaking the black blade and upgrades his coa and Zoro upgrade his coo fighting Fuji. All of that sparkle a huge debate but the truth is that none of that has any base. First Zoro's reaction and in battle coo(not fs wise) feats are second to none and second, sanji facing a legendary swordsman would end pretty bad for him.
Then shanks came in and humiliate the fu#k out of GB via WiFi haki and both fan bases go into rampage with the first fan base trying to prove that this lame guy couldn't have a black sword because mihawk's rival did it and the second fan base trying to prove that Gb just left because they were too many and he didn't freeze like a popsicle.
The truth is that if GB had a black blade, imo oda would highlight that, in fact i don't believe he is a swordman at all because he never used it or even touched it to give us an idea " oh he can do that also".
Anime and toy figures didn't help to his defence either.
And let's be real, who would want that bully scaredy cat be a legendary swordsman :josad:
Its like they are telling you guys

How dare you even THINK that Garden Cow of the White Blade can unlock the most prestigious and protected power up in the series.

To reach the level of Haki and Sword Mastery that

Gol D Roger the Pure Pirate King Swordsman couldn't achieve

The Guy who named his Son After a Sword

Silvers Rayleigh, the Zoro of previous generation, the guy who gave a Superior Admiral than Green Bull, Kizaru existential crisis, gave Blackbeard, captain of a former Admiral and a superior Admiral and a Fleet Admiral candidate PTSD and made him run away in fear while being 99 years old nearly dead asthma patient.

Man who is more famous than Yonko and Admirals and his name is known in all history books. That pure swordsman Silvers Rayleigh couldn't achieve it

"Its been a while since I used this sword" he said

Second Strongest Swordsman alive and Mihawk's biggest Rival Shanks couldn't achieve with his Gryphon Blade

Something Kozuki Oden, the greatest Swordsman in Wano history and one of the Only two people to scar Kaido, the Samurai so good he is in Kaido's top 5 list, couldn't Achieve

And Oden's own father saying as good as Oden was, he wasn't quite good enough to unlock Black Blade

Talking about Zoro, the guy who dedicated his entire life to Swordsmanship, the guy who is so good, he can scar Kaido, same Kaido garden bull is scared of, before even unlocking Advanced CoC and even after unlocking Advanced CoC, he still hasn't reached the level of Black Blade

And for what its worth, FUJITORA, THE BLIND SWORDSMAN OF NAVY, closest thing to pure swordsman in Navy, couldn't achieve Black Blade

What the entire Star Studded Roster of Swordsmen couldn't do besides one

But a random fucking Akainu fan boy Logia Admiral who barely even uses his Sword is gonna be given that power up.

Like how fucking stupid and delusional you have to get to believe in that.

Shame on you if you actually believed Green Bull has a Black Blade

This fucking guy who got WIFI diffed by second strongest swordsman ever
Are you bipolar or just trying to farm likes? You were just talking about how the Admirals are PK level a few weeks ago. Decide if you want to wank Admirals or shit on them
Who cares if Ryokugyu has a black blade when he hasn't even used it to fight? And yet he shits on a black blade wielder who wields it with both hands and can't get past Vista lol

“Vista showed his swordsmanship which is equal or superior to Mihawk’s in this fight

YES. A distracted, self monologuing Mihawk in his own head is "=" to Vista makes sense to me.
Cope and seethe lol

You guys are so desperate that the are trying to make the anime canon lol

Just because anything Shanks does makes Mihawk seem Veteran level you want to cheaply downplay Waramaki? lol
A distracted, self monologuing Mihawk in his own head is "=" to Vista makes sense to me.
"Self monologuing" LMAO
This Is the new coping mechanism? :vistalaugh:

L's-hawk: You're Vista the flower blade...
Leader of the fifth division of the Whitebeard pirates.
Lord Vista: So you've Heard of me?
