Powers & Abilities Top 10 Favourite fighting styles in the series.

This is almost interchangeable with "top 10 characters based on fighting style" since almost every fighter character basically has a unique fighting style of their own. This just goes to show how much thought Oda puts into characterisation through fighting styles (not so much the fights themselves).

My own criteria are:
a. Visual appeal of the fighting style on panel. Basically just how interesting attacks look on panel

b. Execution of the fighting style in combat. This includes things like interactivity with environment and such.

c. The conceptualisation of the fighting style. This covers how the fighting style fits the character uniquely and the amount of creativity put into the fighting style.

Here's my top 10
1. Zoro (of course)
Three sword style from conceptualisation to visual Appeal is A++. The use of animal auras and actual stances and the number of techniques on hand and how Zoro developed the style are all wonderfully done. It gets a point lower for the Execution on panel where The anime does better with showing this fighting style in actual combat than the manga.

2. Luffy
The gum gum style is easily the best fighting in execution on panel. Oda even says he picked this power for Luffy specifically for how fun it is to draw. Its a bit lower on visual appeal mostly being made up of the same motion of stretching arm then punch but the weight of the punches are executed masterfully with great perpective shots.

3. KatakurI
This is one of the best fighting styles when it comes to the actual conceptualisation considering how Oda made it match Katakuri's character. Also peerless donuts is a way more visually appealing use of Awakening than God threads. Speaking of which.

4. Doflamingo
This thread style doesn't have high visual appeal but it's up there when it comes to execution. I mean this style is made for comic books with things like invisible thread that just cut things so fast it's like no motion is noticed. The very nature of this is written for comics panels with how still images imitate motion and speed. Similar to Law's fighting style.

5. Law
I mean of course this is a masterpiece conceptually to have these vague medical procedure abilities as a fighting style but what's truly amazing is the Execution of these abilities on panel. There's no much visual appeal or variance in techniques but even the few abilities just carry so much weight when done well on panel such as of course the Punk hazard cut.

6. Kuzan
The Execution of thus fighting style is what puts it so high up for me. Since all the attacks technically look the same, the impact of the attacks is what really brings elevates this ice style With massive environmental effects and utility.

7. Kizaru
This light based fighting style from the little we've seen of it is some of the best executed combat styles in the series. With so much utility and impact on page, it's one of those abilities that seems like Oda can do hundreds of things with it.

8. Franky
Franky's mix of close combat brawling and weaponry has always been one of my favourites in execution. It lacks in concept what it makes up in utility in combat situations.

9. Robin (yup)
Despite the very few times we see this fighting style, it still remains the best fighting style conceptually to me in the story. The very nature of this ability has so much potential that it's infrequent use hurts to see.

10. CP-9
The entire martial art of Rokushiki is an amazing example of how execution of even few abilities in combat work when used in specific environments and against specific opponents. For example Fukuro vs Franky is an awesome showcase of execution of a fighting style where the specific environment created a whole other set of opportunities for the same abilities essentially.
We're talking about FIGHTING STYLE, right? not necessarily a character......

1- Rokoshiki (Cypher Pol)

2- Black Leg/Red Leg (Sanji/Zeff)

3- Brawling (Luffy/WB/Kaido/Akainu...etc)

4- Fishman karate (Jinbe/Arlong/Koroubi)

5- Smoker's style of using his Logia (It's so entertaining during a fight, regardless of wins or losses, VERY ENTERTAINING)

6- Ace with his mera fruit (SO entertaining)

7- Katakuri (spamming those Future sights made him look invincible)

8- Captain Kuro (That Pussyfoot move was fucking LITTTTT, his Shyaksho was fire, along with his white eyes, his cool weapon, pretty cool)

9- Skypean's Dial Style (I LOVEEEED that shit)

10- Gunners (Van Auger scenes is just COLD, every scene he appeared in had awesome moment with his rifle, so I'm expecting the same with people like Izo/Lucky Roo/ben Beckmann...etc.. guns will looks cool as fuck with them)

Sorry, Santoryu Zoro fans.... if this was Top 10 in (ANIME SECTION) I would have included Zoro, cause in Wano, animation is doing som great choreography for Zoro fights.... but since this is a MANGA section, I have to tell you that I HATE how Zoro fights is being drawn..... which is why I did not include him.... reason is, Oda has the habit of drawing Zoro's moves/techniques in TWO STEPS:

- First PANEL: Zoro making a pose
- Second PANEL: the attack ALREADY HAPPENED, and Zoro is BEHIND the opponent and infront of us... saying the technique name...

HOWEVER, we actually did NOT SEE how the attack was choreographed and how it landed on the opponent... This happened with Mr.1/ Kaku/ Pica/Killer....etc

The only two fights that showed how those hits landed are in Skypea against Ohm and the guy from Wiper squad... cause they were flying Slashes.... other than that, techniques like "Onigiri/Sanzen Sekai/Asura Ichibugen....etc" They are all just technqiues we see their POSE, but we do not see HOW THEY LAND

So, it's ONLY actually in Wano arc, that Zoro started to have good choreography for his battles and techniques... So, I'm hoping to see how Onigiri will look like when it lands in next upcoming episode... (finger crossed)... but in manga... Oda sucks with his choreography with Zoro moves
1. Marine's Rokushiki (no need explanation, it's just very cool)

2. Revo's Dragon move (we need to see more of this but when it was presented by Sabo i' Dressrosa it was cool)

3. Fishmen's Karate ( it was meh backthen in Arlong Park, But then when Jinbe using Water Kamehameha for the first time in Impel Down was super cool)

4. Shandian's Dial (it was verrrrrryyyy cool but too bad we saw this coolness for abit more than one arc since after that Ussop almost never fully use it again except for his battle against Luffy. I personally prefer him using dials than those plants tho.)

5. Mink's flying technic and Electro (I still believe this can be learnt by Chopper as I believe the electro is generated by static electricity from their fur and the flying is basically thanks to their tail. But I'd like to see those 2 dukes using those techs in their Sulong form to put those techs in higher rank of my fav tech.)

6. Nami's Climatact (this is actually a high level use of brain. I mean litterally, and I always respect smartness.)

7. Garp's throwing canon (super badass)

8-9-10 around Sanji's and Zeff tech, zoro's three sword style, and Franky/pacifistas robo-tech.

Sorry I don't put any devil fruit related tech because it is unique to the df users while the tech I put above can still be learnt by anyone else even if it is limited. And I don't put flying slash aswell bcs I saw it a loooot in other mangas.
More then 10: Jinbei,Kizaru(my fav logia),WB,Smoker,Zoro,Sanji,Cracker,Hawkins,Van Augur,Sabo(without the DF),Apoo,Dofla,Croc,Kuma.

Probably will add Shanks top 3 in future if they are gun users.

Always loved this video of Jinbei and Croc against fodder from ID or Kizaru vs SNs

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1. Luffy, very creative and entertaining way of fighting. I like how haki was added to his original fighting style. He can be funny when he is trolling as well.
I also like the art when it comes to his fights, especially the impact.

2. Zoro, the 3 swords style concept was something I didn't expect and it goes really well with his character. I like to see him changing numbers of swords during his fights. He's often very impressive.

3. Sanji, dude is so strong that he just needs his legs:myman: At first it could have been boring watching a guy fighting with just his legs but oda came up with a lot of different techniques and power up. I personally like concasse, Mouton shot and when he starts using DJ.

4. Doflamingo, very complete fighter, can attack from range, engage in CQC (although not his forte as seen against luffy), can kick, punch, cut, fly, use his DF with a lot of efficiency.

5. Ace, I wish we would have seen more of him but he had some pretty good moves, the fire gun, the cross attack, and of course his fire fist.

6. Whitebeard, same as for Ace, but I like how he could use his bisento to cut or in addition to his df.

7. Katakuri, FS and logia like fruit made him look like a total badass. Add awakening to it and you have the perfect fighter.

8. Rob Lucci, rokushiki and zoan df, perfect combination. Lots of awesome panels against luffy.

9. Usopp, I like how creative he has to be in order to beat opponent that are usually a lot stronger physically than him.

10. Law, his DF is OP and offers a lot of possibilities, imo he is using it well but for plot reason oda has to restrain it a little bit.
1. Luffy Gum Gum style. Classic rubber moves like Sledgehammer and Gum Gum Storm. Gear 2nd, Gear 3rd, Gear Stacking multiple variants of Gear 4th. Far too much to offer to not be #1.

2. Doflamingo Ito Ito style. Bullet strings, Parasite threads, Black Knight string clones, Overheat burning strings, attaching strings to clouds, Bird Cage, string surgery to stitch up his own organs, Awakening string. Doflamingo is one of the most creative fighters in the series, both excellent variety in close combat and fighting at longer range.

3. Katakuri Mochi Mochi style. Love how he uniquely incorporates observation haki to act like a logia. Infinity donut punches, burning mochi punches, that tough Block Mochi, casually sniping with jellybeans, Buzzsaw Mochi, rolling donut man, copying some of Luffy's attacks. Again, an extremely talented and versatile fighter.

4. Kaku Giraffe style. By far the most creative Zoan fighter. It looks like Oda made this guy into a straight up robot the way he morphs his shape and retracts his body parts. All with a DF he just obtained, my bro earned his CP0 spot already. Funny guy as well.

5. Franky Cyborg style - The beautiful cyborg has shown a lot more variety than most Devil Fruit users in the series. Coup de Vent, Triangle Jacker (he throws his sideburns), Franky Centaur, Fresh Fire, Master Nails (he spits nails), Hoshi Shield, Weapons Left, the extending Strong Right with the chain, Nipple Lights, Radical Beam, etc. Add his creations like General Franky on top of all this.

6. Magellan Doku Doku style - A simple but effective fighting style I love. He moves around with his Venom road poison pathway, attacks with Hydra poison dragons. Shoots out Chloro Ball which releases tear gas-like poison wherever it explodes, Doku Fugu expanding his body like a blowfish to take hits. Venom Demon and his badass corrosive poison avatar.

7. Rokushiki martial arts style - Love the Geppo air walk, love the Shigan finger assassination, the Rankyaku flying leg blades, and Lucci's Rokougan. As well as all the varieties we've seen on these moves from their many users.

8. Fishmen Jujutsu - Just a pleasure to see the water manipulation Fishmen do every time by grabbing liquid as if it was a solid. The whirpools and splitting currents a bunch of them created in Tottoland. Individual attacks like Kairyu Ipponzeoi traveling current, Spear Wave water drill attack, Arlong and Hody's arrows, Hody's Murasame shark bomb.

9. Ceasar Gas Gas style - His scientific brain created an effective and powerful move set. Gas robe to cover enemies in gas in all directions, Gastanet to launch invisible and unstable gas explosions at a range, Miok Gas where he concentrates and lights up flammable gases, Blue Sword which is his burning sword of oxidized flame, Gastille which is a beam of lit gases, then Karakuni where he removes all oxygen and leaves you to asphyxiate.

10. Hancock and Salome. Hancock and Salome are an amazing spectacle to see working together as one. Salome turns into a chair if Hancock is tired, coils around her as a form of preemptive defense, extends like a pedastal up into the sky to give Hancock's long range attacks further leverage, Salome rescues Hancock should she fall into the water, etc. There is more creative styles out there, but I slipped this one into the top 10 because a human and their beast partner working so flawlessly together as a unit is something you never ever see again. At best, someone has a monkey with a gun over their shoulder.


1. Katakuri. I like his FS. Makes him look invincible when he predicted Luffy's move. I also like his long range attack Peerless Donut which creates donut made of mochi out of thin air and from each donuts there are pair of hands he can use as combo.

2. Sabo: Dragon Fighting style looks cool to me. Love how he cracks the earth with his fist
3. Ace: Love his Hiken and Entei. Hiken burns 4 ships at once and Entei is his ultimate move.
4. Jinbei: Fishman Karate is a good concept and love how he controls the water and turns it into water whirlpool
5. Garp: Garp is pure physical strength and haki. He doesn't rely on df.
6. Shanks: Same as Garp. I want to see more of his and Garp fighting style.
7. Akainu: Daifunka is a cool move. Also cool how he travels using magma in the air.
8. Enel: Love how he blitzes his opponent with his electricity.
9. Law: His df is OP but Oda has to nerf him for plot.
10. Crocodile: I always find sand manipulation to be cool superpower specially when he uses Sable, creating sandstorm in his palm.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
1. Luffy: The fact that he uses his DF in a creative ways and improve his techniques is very badass and amazing.:myman:
2. Sanji: Martial art with legs is a A++++:akaman:
3. Sabo: Dragon Claw is so OP:sabogood:
4. Hancock: Extremely versatile fighter especially with her hax DF and her snake Salome:perocry:Best girl:sweat::blush:
5. Garp: His punches is something else lol:goyea:
6. Rob Lucci: Rokushiki is probably one of the best martial art technique in OP:funky:
7. Jinbei: Fishman Karate is dope as hell:steef:
8. Enel: I like the fact that he uses his DF and Haki so well:moonwalk:
9. Vergo: Rokushiki + Haki + Bamboo is a deadly combo lol:crazwhat:
10. Zoro: His swordsmanship skill is very appealing and the most impressive by far :cheers:
1. Luffy
Completely classic, always root for melee fighters. Great combat aptitude, fun DF, gears are exciting, Haki buffs.

2. Zoro
Three swords is silly in theory but badass in execution. Great range of techniques. Vs Mr. 1 was just amazing.

3. Wiper
Dials, mantra, bazooka, and acrobatic melee. I really liked that guy and wish Usopp kept up with Impact.

4. Law
It's a hard power to write, but Ope Ope is amazing in execution and probably the most unique one out there.

5. Jinbe
Fishman Karate with Judo, another great melee style with some clever tweaks to show off his experience, like targeting DF weaknesses and good armament.

6. Smoker
I love his DF, the jitte, and how his speed used to catch Luffy off guard.

7. Franky
Rarely showcased now but his surprise weapons are fun with pretty cool melee on occasion

8. Lucci
Those Rankyaku variations were great, Roku Ou Gan is my favorite attack, and I love that he had leopard instead of a more cliche big cat.

9. Katakuri
A lame DF made completely cool by being an utter beast in every way. Kinda short changed tbh

10. Ener
Also acrobatic with mantra and a top tier DF. Owning Zoro really had my respect

Raid Suit has the potential to leap frog Sanji up to my top 5, we'll see
1. Zoro-3 swords style come on just epic
2. Hawkins- tarot cards with different abilities, voodoo dolls, and being able to turn into a scarecrow,one of the most unique characters in the entire series ability wise, and once again hope we see way more of these abilities at onigashima (im biased)
3. Luffy-brawlers are always fun
4. Law-ROOM
5. Vergo- badass Haki and the good old Cp9 powers we all love
6. Brook-i‘ve always been a fan of characters who can cut you before you react, hope we get a good 1v1 from him in onigashima
7. urouge- I’ve always liked the concept of getting stronger along with the more damage you take I.e. metal bat from opm
8. enel-just the meaning of absolute power
9.kaku-people always mention kat, doffy, and croc as the best users of their DF but I’m surprised no one ever mentions kaku, all the stuff he was able to do with his fruit days after getting it and being able to combine it with the six powers was very impressive imo and a very fun character to watch
10. Nico Robin-sigh, oda please just give her another fight
honorable mentions: Amande, Oven, ulti, Hina, mr.1, monet, the admirals, and Ichiji