Controversial Top 10 MCU movies?

Rewatch Thor 1, it's one of the best standalone movies. Fantastic acting and family friction.

Black Widow was good until the final act.
Thor 1 is fine. It’s easily the 2nd best Thor movie, but it’s at best a middle of the pack MCU movie. Very forgettable. The only scene I remember vividly is when Thor got his powers taken away

Black Widow is slightly above middle of the pack. It doesn’t deserve the hate it gets from the incel section of the fandom who hate any movie/show with a female lead. The dumb 3rd act of Black Widow prevents it from being in the running for top 10. The 3rd act is the one act you can’t afford to mess up if you want your movie to be good/memorable.


I will never forgive Oda
Thor 1 is fine. It’s easily the 2nd best Thor movie, but it’s at best a middle of the pack MCU movie. Very forgettable
Tbh I think it's only perceived that way because the MCU grew so vast. Any movie that doesn't have extreme crossovers or Endgame stakes comes off as a let down.

Thor 1 has no bad characters. The dialogue in it is early MCU, so very distinct before it homogenized at Avengers. The designs for Asgard never replicated to the same extent. The familial struggle and reveals in that are a much better hook than Starlord's in GotG3.

Tbh that's fair for Widow. It's def a movie that should've come out 7 years ago with Civil War. But the first two acts and Velaena and Natasha bouncing off each other is pretty great. I guess I'm used to subpar 3rd acts, so I don't critique it as harshly.


The only one who can beat me is me
No Way Home is cool, but at the end of the day it’s just nostalgia bait. Any of the GOTG movies are clear of any of the MCU Spiderman movies
I haven't watched any of them. People keep telling me I'm crazy since I watched nearly every other film (pre Endgame), only hear great things about em.