General & Others Top man and Nusjuro or Nusjuro and Mars

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Nusjuro is very obviously a Zoro opponent, especially after last chapter.

The thing with Topman (and most of the other Gorosei) is that he hasn’t showcased that he’s actually an expert combatant.

He can have tremendously powerful haki and supreme durability, but can he actually use his strengths effectively? He comes across as nothing more than a wild animal so far.
:saden:At least half of the Zboys here were pushing the “Sanji vs P1 rematch” agenda
- Raid suit Dogji is stronger than Zoro
- loses to Paypal1

Yup, the top Lanjitards, the ringleaders of the dumbest fanbase in history said this and even made videos about it.
One Piece seems to attract retards from every other fanbase and all of them like the same 3 characters and hate Zoro and Mihawk. Very suspicious :risitavirus:
Nusjuro is very obviously a Zoro opponent, especially after last chapter.

The thing with Topman (and most of the other Gorosei) is that he hasn’t showcased that he’s actually an expert combatant.

He can have tremendously powerful haki and supreme durability, but can he actually use his strengths effectively? He comes across as nothing more than a wild animal so far.
Topman hasn’t even gone hybrid yet
luffytards salty that they cant prove the headcanon of warcury being the strongest gorosei :vistalaugh:
Everything's headcanon buddy, Oda isn't going to state it ever, doesn't change that Warcury has by far the best portrayal and the best feats.
  • Always gets the most focus and centered of the group
  • First of the Gorosei to be a confirmed CoC user, shook an island with it and KO'd people outside the island
  • Fought against the strongest Straw Hat
  • Only Gorosei who has fought to be undamaged so far
  • Tanks G5 compared to Nusjuro who gets his teeth knocked out by base Sanji
Warcury has the best argument for being the strongest, and let's be honest, Nusjuro is Zoro's opponent so he's automatically #2.
it’s complete bs Warcury is strongest among the gorosei we all know why that agenda is being pushed
Why? Whats the agenda in Warcury being the strongest? Luffy isnt fighting him lol.

You guys are pushing the Venjusjuro top 1 as well lol.
Nusjuro is very obviously a Zoro opponent, especially after last chapter.

The thing with Topman (and most of the other Gorosei) is that he hasn’t showcased that he’s actually an expert combatant.

He can have tremendously powerful haki and supreme durability, but can he actually use his strengths effectively? He comes across as nothing more than a wild animal so far.
Well hes only been in Zoan form so far, not hybrid. So its hard to say if he an expert fighter or not.
Y’all really find any reason to be offended and play victim

Bruh I dont want Zoro to fight a fucking pig despite being possibly stronger. I just want Zoro to fight a top tier swordman for once
He still has shiryu and mihawk before so his last opponent not being a swordsman wouldn’t be too bad imo. Plus he still has blade tusk