Tradcon beliefs are stupid and causing issues in society

You have this idea
that a man is too supposed to support himself entirely on his own, like just man up and do it sissy when that aint exactly a reality for most men in this current age due to the funds made by working not being enough to afford a house but ig just you should of just inherited more money

it's especially toxic too when you consider that this leads to such a high suicide rate
I mean what kinda world are we giving to men when we tell them yea dont expect any emotional validation or care from anyone as your not supposed to have feelings or care about such things like you understand that were humans yknow a social species like wolfs that function off of those interconnective relationships but ig who cares about biology

And alot of people who dislike femminism will often blame it for ideals which were actually tradcon inspired
Like women staying with only rich guys aint cause of femmnism, They never preached about men supporting women financially that was only ever a tradcon talking point at least to my understanding

And on the topic of this, How are men supposed to ever get dates in a environment that is entirely decided by how much he can support her
you mean to tell me, That every man is now working above the poverty line and can support a family on a one income household? Idiotic
This standard made some sense back in the days as one income was enough to support a small family now where that aint possible for average guy anymore but yknow tradcons and women using those standards dont care about that

and this is not to mention that putting all the burden of working on the man, to breadwinner was never a good idea
it meant that he had to deal with everything which is obviously stressful and hence why domestic abuse was more common. come home from a stressful day at work well your wife will handle the abuse not like can leave afterall she cant work to support herself

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
This whole man must provide for whole family is such BS

World we live in today is wastly different than the one 50 years ago let alone 100, 150, 200

Such a burden is placed on men and then people wonder why men die earlier than women

Stress fellas, stress kills over the years. Find yourself a girl that works too and brings money and food to the table
Never heard of the term "tradcon" until now lmao.
I’ve heard of tradwives but this is a new one lol, gotta give it up to the OP, he’s on a roll.

But whatever Bob calls “tradcon” isn’t the issue, as expected around these parts tho, most ain’t gonna shoot at the roots. A disastrous economic model and ever growing inflation is mainly to blame here, this among other toxicities has made it very hard for men and women to prioritize what is needed most for a healthy society.
I’ve heard of tradwives but this is a new one lol, gotta give it up to the OP, he’s on a roll.

But whatever Bob calls “tradcon” isn’t the issue, as expected around these parts tho, most ain’t gonna shoot at the roots. A disastrous economic model and ever growing inflation is mainly to blame here, this among other toxicities has made it very hard for men and women to prioritize what is needed most for a healthy society.
I also never heard of "tradwives" too lmao.
Nothing new conservatives have been laughing stock . They get funnier as days goes by.
They are a laughing stock however their counterpart liberals are on the other side of the circus wheel. If it weren’t for them putting at least some pressure off of people in need in their positions of power, they’d be the bigger clown right now, however with them promoting the clown world circus in full force…. idk it’s really close lol but I give them the nod. It’s funny how and where they differ, conservatives are pretty dumb where the liberals aren’t and vice versa, middle ground is made to be impossible.