Speculations Trio conquest of the sea

Has trio conquest been born?

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Whatever. Mihawk will get feats sooner or later then.

Don't run away to other characters. We are talking about Sanji.

Zoro's feats demolish whatever Lanji did.
I just proved you wrong
And instead of being a man and admit you’re wrong
You changed your mind and start making excuses

you said feats feats FEATS

I just gave a clear example of how you are wrong

So now you’re saying no
Its hype and well mihawk will get feats soon

Either accept that feats are the measure and admit that mihawk is only a 4th yc level
Admit you can’t measure a character’s strength by feats

so which one is it??
You can’t say oh feats only important when its fit my narrative only
Again you have no proof
All you said is a headcanon

that was different from zoro’s situation
This is a war
And he’s facing someone he acknowledged

he has no reason to be casual

it doesn’t matter how frightened luffy was

Mihawk said he won’t hold back
And still couldn’t finish him

the slash was aimed at the world strongest man lol
How is it casual ?

and got stopped by a commander

Mihawk is a 4th yc level by feats
we can just agree to disagree then.
just doozing off, ill accompany u later.
You didn't prove shit. Mihawk never fought on Marineford. Dude was walking Admiral level character doing random stuff.
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@Gyro The God Talk about Sanji. Why are you running like a bitch?

Because you got demolished like you usually get every week you attempt to try at Zoro fans?
Personal insults??
Clear sign of being butt hurt
But we already knew that long ago

Mihawk fough vista and got stalemated by him
So according to you he’s a 4th yc level

if you accepted that then you just shitted on zoro
If you didn’t then I just proved you wrong

I gave this simple example to prove that you asking for sanji’s feat otherwise he is weak is stupid

yeah I got demolished
Is that why you are crying constantly?
He can't even read. Look what he did. He again picked the sentence out of context.

I talk about Iceberg effortless slash. This idiot talks about slash Mihawk send at Whitebeard.
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The thing is.

Sanji has no feats, you delusional boy.

Zoro shits on Sanji no matter what happens. Even Power Rangers update didn't elevate Sanji close to Zoro's level.

Keep trying Candy.
You’re the one crying
Please Send more insults
It will make you look even sadder than you are now

I just proved you wrong with a simple example

Zoro’s goal is a 4th yc level character
I just completely destroyed your silly logic
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I don't feel like giving you any respect when you took things out of context to fit your narrative.

I talk about Iceberg slash and you talk about slash at Whitebeard.
It’s still an anime
You getting heated up to the point of insults makes you look sad
You destroyed your credibility.

You literally took things out of context to fit ur narrative. I tell you about Slash A you talk about Slash B. How can I take a bitch like you seriously?

Do you think I care about some random ass bitch on an anime forum being insecure about insults?
Kid you are insulting a stranger because of an anime
You have zero credibility lol

you are the insecure one that’s why keep sending insults because you are heated and embarrassed

I mean i don’t blame you
I just put you in a corner
You either shit on zoro by admitting mihawk is 4th yc level only
You admit your logic is wrong

plus you embarrassed yourself by acting like a child
So not a good night for you

please send more insults
Let’s laugh at how childish you are
Don't look like Sanji feats to me:risicheck:

Hmm, guess he is still nowhere near Zoro. Expected:risitasad:
Too bad oda broke your headcanons to millions of pieces
Even though zoro trained all of his life and with yc4 level mihawk and got an op power up

still equal to sanji

Btw im impressed no insults for the last 4 or 5 replys
Maybe you finally grew up
So zoro’s final goal is a 4th yc level
Got it
I tried to scroll past 238947238974823 pages of insults being thrown around then got bored.

Though feats are irrelevant tbh. You don't need feats to say Zoro > Sanji across the entire series. Portrayal, parallels and literal canon VC statement of calling Zoro stronger are enough.

Almost every parallel with rivals has a Luffy/Zoro duo, not Luffy/Zoro/Sanji. Kidd/Killer, Smoker/Tashigi, Garp/Bogard, Coby/Helmeppo, Crocodile/Mr.1, etc etc.

Roger Pirates were Gold > Silver > Bronze, not one Gold and two Silvers.

One is made to be part of WG whom Oda blew up into spearheads of new gen, other is not.

One is given CoC, other is not.

One fights the stronger character in literally every single arc since Grand Line. And in 80% of those arcs, the opponent is stronger than Sanji's by a clear-cut, blatant margin. Mr.1 >> Mr.2. Ohms >> Satori. Ryuuma >> Absalom, etc. Post-skip can't compare sadly because until Wano, Sanji didn't even have a 1v1.

Zoro and Sanji stood up to give their lives vs Kuma. Yet the one who shouldered all the pain at the end was Zoro- perfectly shows the dynamic of two hands/wings, yet Zoro is the biggest and stronger pillar of support for Luffy.

Hell, even in Wano, Sanji goes on to fight the YC2. Zoro fights the YC1 who may or may not be close to aforementioned YC2 (need more info), but also went to the rooftop, scarred Kaido for life, fought and defeated many more individuals across the arc, etc etc etc. Even here, the portrayal is clear-cut.

These are just a few in billions. Ofc Zoro has parallels with Sanji as they're Luffy's two main men- but to only look at those and ignore literally a hundred things that clear-cut put Zoro > Sanji (for the record, by clear-cut I don't mean Zoro farts and Sanji dies. Just that if they fight, Zoro wins 10/10 of those fights) is being a hypocrite.

But fuck all that. The Vivre Card literally calls Zoro stronger than all bar Luffy. At this point trying to say otherwise is just being incredibly desperate.

And no, don't tell me about Droggy and Broggy or w/e for the 10000th time. I already acknowledge most Zoro/Sanji parallels, as I said- I just don't ignore the clear-cut portrayal that puts Zoro undisputedly as strongest member of the crew other than Luffy.

There you go.

Sanji fans in full scope.
Zoro fans in full scope
After destroying their non existent logic
And they try to compensate the embarrassment by acting unbothered
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According to seth zoro’s end goal is 4th yc level
You are repeating yourself.

How can I respect a fraud who cannot back up his words.

Why u don't reply to Shanal because he bodied you?

I wasn't even half interested in proper exchange with you because all you do:

Mihawk yc4

dont insult me

Sanji equal cuz I say so

Dont need for feats.

Of course don't need for nonexistent feats.

Sanji is below Zoro.

Live with it.
I don’t need respect from some kid so heated up because of an anime he sends insults

you said feats are the measure
I gave you clear example they are not

what do you do in this situation?
Completely avoid the truth
They are the measure. We can't properly measure Mihawk. We can't properly measure Shanks and others.

On the other hand, we can measure Sanji and Zoro and their achievements are not comparable at all.

Sanji would be a dead weight on the roof. He doesn't bring any fire power. He lacks in the CoA aspect. He is just fast and good for stealthy missions.
So you are making an exception for mihawk because it doesn’t fit your narrative
Just like I said before

Mihawk’s feats clearly put him on the commander level no question about that
While shanks feats clearly put him on the world strongest man level

you have to accept that fact
Otherwise don’t go asking oh where sanji’s feats

you can’t pick and choose
dont be a hypocrite