
Hola my dear friends
Used to be a taxi driver, so u can ask me anything about politics. I know everything.
English isn't my mother language, so don't pay attention to my English
Im from Kazakhstan. Did u watch Borat? Yeah. Actually the movie was filmed in Romania, but who cares.
I didn't read One Piece, just watch some random YouTube videos and my heart chose Mihawk as my favourite. Long before i found that he is the strongest swordsman.
I love girls, but unfortunately girls don't love me, but who cares
Aieta. That is the nickname of adorable creature from another forum. Russian forum. Im in love with her.
Hello and welcome guy from Kazakhstan!

Didn't the guy who make Borat lie and take advantage of the people in that village? He told them he was making a documentary on their daily lives but instead humiliated them according to their own accounts.
Its true, but that's not the point.
Movie was astonishing, i laughed so hard. But most people associate it with film. Which is incorrect, but who cares x3.


✯ ✧ 𝔾 𝕠 𝕕 𝕠 𝕗 𝕃 𝕚 𝕖 𝕤 ✧ ✯

But before you go

- Opinion on Vista
- Opinion on Yasopp
- Opinion on Usopp
- Opinion on Buggy
- Who is Banchina?