General & Others Understanding When Conquerors Haki is Used



well black lightning or not,I agree black lightning is not necessarily a sign for CoC haki (WsW and Jinbe both of them used it in the last chapter too), but Oda didn't tell every time when CoC is used , like Kaido used it many times and we knew later after Luffy realized it. or Kaido vs BM.
till now those black lightning were mostly used when one of the strawhats is in the game.
exception are Sabo,Yamato , Ulti and WsW.
We can be sure that Sabo have CoC haki since Ace and Luffy have it and he is the No.2 of the Revos there is no way he doesn't have it
that goes for Yamato too , she is strong willed , her dad has it and she is the new Oden.
Ulti is a brazen one, who even talks to Kaido back while the others fears him . she doesn't care if you anyone in Tobiroppo have it then she is the candidate No. 1 for me.
WsW don't thinks he has it but who knows?
when it comes for the strawhats you cannot roll out anyone of them to be honest , they are all strong willed , have dreams , defy death , and has many aspects you could say they are sign of strong spirits or CoC haki.


Zoro Worshipper
When someone is knocked with a strange aura.

When someone is hit without direct touch by a weapon for example. I think ACoC is likely based off penetration similarly to ACoA because if if was just about a shockwave it would have made more sense to hit the opponent directly in order to generate the stronger shockwave.


Zoro Worshipper
You think Advanced Conquerors is based on Penetration?
Yes presumably. Judging off the notion that it features a similar graphic panel pattern with ACoA but also the notion that the idea of a shockwave would be more logical to be addressed to a contact touch rather than a non contact one since it would generate consistently additional force, so that is suspicious and think it could likely be the case overall.
I think Zoro doesn't have black lightning because Asura is Color of Conqueror's itself. Stop thinking of Haki as "Wil" and think of it as Chakra or Nen or Ki. Just like How Goku manifested a Goku Susanoo, Zoro can manifest his self image: A Sword God or something, and he uses that to overwhelm his opponent physically. It's his unique CoC


Reality is: Oda is inconsistent and everything can or not be any power he already created. Every person can or not use any power ever created or any new bullshit he come up with.


Zoro Worshipper
Oda sensei knows how to be way more than decently consistent when he opts for the right route. It's when power levels are thrown in the garbage or questionable character choices are thrown in that things eventually start to degenerate. To name a couple of examples.
Theres been a lot of different interpretations when it comes to Conquerors Haki and when its being used. And it even gets confused with regular armament haki usage at times. I’ll be doing in a depth analysis on conquerors haki , when it’s used, and how you know when characters are using it.

First things first……


Every Time Conquerors Haki is used in the story people either say its being used (Which is the case 90% of the time) , fodder will start passing out, Or a combination of both as shown below:

Again, Even in minor moments....youll see characters either being knocked out or someone will mention it.

Black Lightning

Idk who needs to here this.... but Black Lightning is NOT Exclusive to just Conquerors Haki, There are multiple clashes in the manga in which Oda uses the black lightning effect for people who (as far as we know) do not have conquerors haki such as the following:

There’s even times when characters who don’t have haki get the black lightning effect from Oda.

Conquerors Haki Clashes

Remember that conquerors haki statement I made earlier? That’s Applies to Clashes as well, If conquerors Haki is being used in a clash, Oda will have others mention it,

Every.... Single.... Time.......

Point is when Oda wants people to know a character is using or has Conquerors haki he just straight up says it....He does not pull any punches when it comes to letting people know when characters have the ability.

For Zoro Oda knew that people would find what he did ambiguous, so he had Kaido say it himself to remove all ambiguity .

And this becomes even clearer later in the chapter

Armament haki and Observation are the real ambiguous aspects of haki mainly due to the invisible and hardening concept of armament haki. And Oda's inconsistent usage of them in situations.That often results in confusion. Especially when it comes to weapons.


And with Observation Haki its hard to tell the difference between regular observation and future sight unless Oda says something about it..... Cause fundamentally future sight and Observation haki are the same thing.

Future Sight

I Guess That deserves a thread of its own.............

But yea I guess were at the end..... Leave your thoughts
Damn...i started reading the manga after marineford war arc in the anime was done,did not know Oda showed Rayleigh's coa hardening!Major spoiler from the manga!
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I think Zoro doesn't have black lightning because Asura is Color of Conqueror's itself. Stop thinking of Haki as "Wil" and think of it as Chakra or Nen or Ki. Just like How Goku manifested a Goku Susanoo, Zoro can manifest his self image: A Sword God or something, and he uses that to overwhelm his opponent physically. It's his unique CoC
But haki literally translates to willpower.........