Speculations Urouge might be a Holy Knight or a candidate.

Capone as Rook of BMP
Drake (sword marine) as flyer 6
Apoo as leader ofofumbers
Hawkins as headliner
Law as warlord
Bonney as Queen in Reverie
Urouge as Knight?

So far SNs have joined groups/meetings as spies or for their own agenda
Drake, Capone, Law betrayed their alliance.

Only Bonney, Zoro, Killer, Kid and Luffy didn't Join any Group.
So another interesting thing I noticed, is Urogue seems to share a similar character design to the Tsumegeri, which is Alabasta's elite Royal Guard. His Devil Fruit ability also seems to have a similar effect that the Hero Water provides, that the Royal Guard drank to sacrifice themselves against Crocodile. Upon drinking the Hero Water, the guards bulked up, and their strength rose exponentially. This is essentially what Urogues devil fruit does when converting damage received.