[FNZ] Role Madness Urusei Yatsura Mafia #1

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I don´t like how Charlie is addressing the flavour claiming as topic. It was already mentioned in the opening post that flavour claiming basically brings us nowhere in this round as flavour is not alignment indicative at all.
Opening post is saying about both role and flavour. So yeah, claiming both has consequences. Correct me if i'm wrong but then Rej said that flavour means nothing.


The End and the Beginning
All you have to say?
Well, the main issue is it doesn't address the correct elements.

1 - Your first recourse is to say others have used gifs and nothing else - in an attempt to discredit my accusation, you attempt to establish my position as one where I say those things are fine. It's obviously not my position, but I can't read into someone using gifs, I can read into someone attempting to talk about the game.

2 - Your last post is to insinuate that as scum, you'd also just post gifs to blend in - I don't believe you think this is an accurate depiction of your approach to scum.

3 - Your focus is on attacking the reasoning behind it, and you also use recent games (I can think of only one, where I was scum) as a means to discredit the line of accusation. The reasoning is obviously going to be weak, it's the motivation that's important here, and I haven't seen any indication that you've considered this.

In short, it's defensive, unduly so, and is more manipulative than genuine because of how its constructed.
1 - Your first recourse is to say others have used gifs and nothing else - in an attempt to discredit my accusation, you attempt to establish my position as one where I say those things are fine. It's obviously not my position, but I can't read into someone using gifs, I can read into someone attempting to talk about the game
So long story short - you just dislike i'm talking about the game?

2 - Your last post is to insinuate that as scum, you'd also just post gifs to blend in - I don't believe you think this is an accurate depiction of your approach to scum
Pretty sure i know better what i'd do.

Your focus is on attacking the reasoning behind it, and you also use recent games (I can think of only one, where I was scum) as a means to discredit the line of accusation. The reasoning is obviously going to be weak, it's the motivation that's important here, and I haven't seen any indication that you've considered this
I'm not saying you are scum because you use that reasoning. I mean maybe, idk. I'm saying that it's not first time you said my posts feel "mailed in" when i was town. Weird that you still use it as argument for me being scum.

In short, it's defensive, unduly so, and is more manipulative than genuine because of how its constructed
Ratchet, can you bring up one game where i didn't get defensive after something like that?
Charlie, except people posting gifs who were too many indeed, but a lot were cute so that was a plus, in the game some people posted mafia related content.
Do you have any opinion about them?


The End and the Beginning
So long story short - you just dislike i'm talking about the game?
Are you going to continue being disingenuous like this? Do you believe this is the issue I'm taking here?
I'm not saying you are scum because you use that reasoning. I mean maybe, idk. I'm saying that it's not first time you said my posts feel "mailed in" when i was town. Weird that you still use it as argument for me being scum.
Well, you'll first have to establish me actually doing this, and being wrong about it, in a game, or several games, where I'm not scum.
Ratchet, can you bring up one game where i didn't get defensive after something like that?
Appeal to meta denied.
Yo, so talking about game is "safe and easy" and posting pokemon gifs is where's, idk, gamesolving at?

You've been saying my posts feel "mailed in" in a few recent games before. I don't think i was scum in any of them. Is there no reflection?

Like, i know its D1 and reasoning is always shetty in general but this is literally picking up odd one out. As if I wasn't just posting pokemon gifs to fit in if i was mafia
Charles, you’ve set off my alarms and there’s nobody to twist my bias either
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