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melko claimed kyohei's action was to protect tpein. in reality he likely protected one of his teammates. its not confirmable but its a fake role that appears in WU nontheless

u shudnt be outraging for no reason. if u r town then u will see my point here. from ur PoV u shud solve the game and u arent doing it.

I don't remember what were Melkor's abilities when I read his role after his flip and the protect he claimed never got confirmed.

I was solving earlier and instead you continue to say I am white queen.


What could have been...
I don't remember what were Melkor's abilities when I read his role after his flip and the protect he claimed never got confirmed.

I was solving earlier and instead you continue to say I am white queen.
only wescott role flipped

the kyouhei could of been fake WU. which they somehow were able to use twice in the same cycle, including using the one for reine


Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
Happy Ending

Mayuri/@Fujishiro has amped Shidou to bypass the ability's requirements and targeted Shidou Itsuka/@MitchMatch removing them both from the game and winning the game!

The game continues

You are Mayuri

"Because I've met you....I'm no longer an existence that was born to disappear." - Mayuri

[Passive - Starwish] - A wish made upon the starry night sky. You are bulletproof all game.

[Passive -Divine Gate] - Being a Singularity, Mayuri can communicate with the dead. She'll receive one message from one dead town per cycle, up to three times in the game.

[Passive - Sanctuary] - Having an immense Reiryoku, if Mayuri is killed, she will superprotect all her targets for one cycle. Plus Mayuri is immune to manipulations.

[Passive - Holy Seal] - Being made of other Spirit's Reiryoku, Mayuri's targets have a voting power of 0 against Mayuri.

[Passive - Authority over Creation] - Mayuri's actions cannot be prevented. If Mayuri is targeting one of her targets, her actions cannot be tampered with nor can she be blocked.

[Passive - Shooting Star] - To prevent herself from fading away from existence, Mayuri will enter a chat with her last alive target, except Shidou.

[Active- Lahathelev] - Kerubiel is capable of launching numerous blasts of lightning from every direction. Additionally, it can fire golden wheels as projectiles. Kerubiel is very durable, taking numerous hits from Tohka and the others in their sealed form and not being damaged by a direct attack from <Fraxinus>’s Mystletainn. Additionally, it can summon a small sphere that turns into a cage upon being in close contact with its target. The cage can regenerate itself unless the core is broken. You may use one of the following abilities per cycle:

- Roleblocks a player.

- Target a player and kills them, if the player is the one who performed the kill on one of your targets the cycle before, upgrade the kill to a superkill. This ability will fail on your targets.

- Blocks the first player targetting your target this cycle. If this is one of your targets, blocks all harmful actions, except superkills.

- Redirects all actions from one player to another of your choice.

- Choose 3 players. These players will have their actions fail on you this cycle.

[Active- Judgement] - Her Angel Kerubiel is capable of acting autonomously from Mayuri, enabling Mayuri to use one additional ability this cycle [2-shot]

[Active - Archangel Kerubiel] - By fusing with her Angel, Mayuri is capable of performing abilties with a much more dense Reiryoku, amping one of her abilities this cycle [2-shot]

[Active - Shidou] - Mayuri was born out of the Reiryoku of spirits and the feeling of jealousy for not having Shidou all for themselves. However, even so, Mayuri only felt the feelings of those spirits and never her own. After Mayuri saw Shidou go on dates with those spirits, she started having her own feelings and a desire to not disappear and be alive, with Shidou by her side, as her existence and purpose for being born was to fade away into nothingness. When Shidou is the last one alive from her wincon, Mayuri may target Shidou with this ability. When she does this, both her and Shidou will leave the game and will live happily ever after, winning the game [1-shot]

[Conditional Active - Divine Retribution] - Unlocked

[Conditional Active - Divine Retribution] - After at least half of your targets are dead, you may place the [Mark of Judgment] in any of your remaining targets. If someone tries to kill the marked player, you will superprotect them. If the marked player is the last one alive from your wincon, this ability will also superkill the sender and becomes absolute. Day action [1-shot]

[Conditional Active - Mayuri's Judgment] - Unlocked

[Conditional Active - Mayuri's Judgment] - Using her Angel Kerubiel, and having only one of her targets alive, Mayuri may pass judgement unto a player of her choice, as retribution for killing one of her targets. She will get a list of 3 players and brand them as [Guilty] or [Innocent]. If she correctly guesses the player(s) who killed her target(s), she'll superkill them through immunities. Alternatively if she is killed, [Mayuri's Judgment] will also proc with the same effects, only this time she must correctly guess who killed her. This ability will activate regardless of whatever action you are targeted with. Day action [1-shot]

Primary Wincon: Make sure that at least Tohka, Yoshino, Kotori, Kaguya Yamai, Yuzuru Yamai, Miku Izayoi or Shidou are alive until the end.

Secondary Wincon: Remove yourself and Shidou from the game.
You are Shidou Itsuka

“If they reject you! Then more than all of them combined! I will accept you!” - Shidou Itsuka

[Passive- Regeneration] - Kotori's regeneration ability that was absorbed by Shidou years ago when Kotori first became a Spirit. If you are killed, you will be revived a cycle later. You cannot perform any actions and will have no voting power the cycle you're revived.

[Passive - Spirit Power Absorption] - Shidou was born with the unique ability to absorb the power of Spirits. Permanently and randomly get one base ability from each flipped Spirit role.

[Active - El Na'ash] - Both of the Yamai Sisters, despite using different weapons, have the power to manipulate wind. They can gracefully control the air currents in order to glide through the sky. Watch a player of your choice.

[Sixth Bullet Vav] Know every player that performed an action on you during the last cycle.

[Active - Tome of Revelation] - By using her Angel Rasiel, Nia can know every fact about the World. Investigate a player every cycle.

[Active - Child Dream] - Rio has the power to summon multiple guardians, cloaked beings with humanoid forms and 6 wings that wear either a red, white, or black cloak sending them to a player and protecting them. Protects a player for a cycle.

[Active - Paradise Lost] - Rinne also has the power to summon multiple guardians, cloaked beings with humanoid forms and 6 wings that wear either a red, white, or black cloak. and can use them as messengers. Whisper to a player once per cycle.

[Active - Blizzard] - Yoshino comtrols the water particles in the surrounding air to freeze her target. Roleblocks a player.

[Active - Copy] - Marina can see an ability and copy perfectly the effects of that ability. Target a player and randomly copy and use one of their abilities this cycle.

[Active - El Tsuofuel] - Fusing her chain to the handle of her lance, her weapon becomes a guided projectile that can be steered through manipulating the chain portion. Even if the lance is dodged, the sheer wind pressure coating the weapon is enough to push back the target. Choose a target and redirect them, if they're immune to redirections, roleblock them instead.

[Active- Fantasia] - A collection of Gabriel's songs sung all at once while infused with all of Miku's remaining Reiryoku. The song combines the healing effect of Requiem with the strength bolstering effect of March.The player targeted by this action will get their next ability amped. Day action [1-shot]

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town
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