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✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
Mason are two people from the same alignment that are linked together and share a chat.

Millers are town roles that appear guilty when investigated.
Ah then I was misunderstanding miller with mason. I thought the twins would be starting as a team with their chat. But Pot was hinting miller. Hmmmm now gotta rethink the whole situation.
Yes I was very subtle with my Miller Beer hints. I even posted this as well.
M an, it seems like this flavor has some really deep elements.
I think the wiki will be one of my close friends here.
L ike with how some characters convert from antagonist to protagonist.
L uckily we have some people that are familiar with the flavor.
E nd of game will show how that stuff can be handy.
R ight now though, I'm wondering if alignments will be modern or mixed.


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
There are roles which are one cycle millers too? I’m coming across something like this for the first time.

Generally I’d expect a miller to stay miller for the entire game. What’s the point of making someone miller for one cycle and that also this early when they are not even investigated or targeted in anyway.


There are roles which are one cycle millers too? I’m coming across something like this for the first time.

Generally I’d expect a miller to stay miller for the entire game. What’s the point of making someone miller for one cycle and that also this early when they are not even investigated or targeted in anyway.
Framer is a role that can make someone guilty temporarily. So one-cycle millers can exist that way. Though, it could also be a debuff as a consequence for something the player did.
There are roles which are one cycle millers too? I’m coming across something like this for the first time.

Generally I’d expect a miller to stay miller for the entire game. What’s the point of making someone miller for one cycle and that also this early when they are not even investigated or targeted in anyway.
Well Ive seen millers who only investigate guilty on odd/even days,etc so Ill buy it lol.


I just recently joined. I subbed in for Cooler.

You town, Bon Bon? 👀
Always :yearight:

There's a looot of names going around right now like T-Pein also cant be looked over, I've found him weird since last day phase. I found Joygirl guilty last night. I didn't want to claim yet as an invest on D2 especially in multiball game but my read was right and some protection would be great
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