Which One is the Most Heart Melting Confession?

  • Flower's Tragic Love Confession

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charlie's Work Affair Confession

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Xeno's Court Confession Case

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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What could have been...
Xenos at least isn’t Mafia at worst, and I don’t think he’s the death note chick who is probably hostile indie (we will see if it’s YTW and what he is if so)

Pot, Pein, you, and Dofla are the only ones without an innocent result.

Dolfa is really only option to shoot tonight for you imo. Even if Xenos is an indie killing him wont do much for solving you as you could still be mafia

Or coping Pein is an option if you want to remain unpredictable. Pot I think is Town so I wouldn’t cop him.

^ this may make you subject to shenanigans if Town lol but it’s really your only options anyway and mafia redirect has already flipped. Would rather explicitly point this out then you come in with an innocent result on someone who already has one or something tomorrow which would help nobody lol
bruv im confirmed non killer lol

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
Easy pie. This will burn any allegations against my client

You are Kanade Tachibana

[Passive - Phasing] - You are Bulletproof all game. You'll also phase through the first superkill on you.

[Passive - Higher Plane] - Being an Angel, Kanade is immune to all status ailments, except Bleed.

[Passive - Embodiment of Light] - Votes on Kanade from Town will count as half of the total votes on her, rounded down.

[Passive - Metraton's Blessing] - If you die in the first 2 cycles of the game, you'll revive yourself, at the cost of not being able to perform any abilities in the cycle you're revived.

[Passive - Divine Guidance] - If Kanade targets one of her targets with a beneficial action, her abilities cannot be tampered with, redirected, bushdriven or blocked.

[Passive - Angel of the Afterlife] - Kanade Tachibana gained her powers when she had already departed from the World of the living. You'll have access to the dead chat.

[Active - Heavenly Shield] - During the night protect a player.
-- [Blessing] -- You may choose to superprotect the player instead (3-shot)

[Active - Lightbringer] - During ther night use your sword to superkill a target of your choice (1-shot)

[Active - Ascension] - Kanade spread her wings and takes flight becoming untargeatable for the remainder of the cycle (1-shot)

[Active - Let There be Light] - Shred Light upon the Darkness and skip the NP. No abilities will be used (1-shot)

[Active - Heaven's Authority] - Once per cycle you can use one dead Town's ability. You cannot go above the x-shots of that ability. Ultimate abilities are excluded.

[Active - All Revealing Light] - Discover a player's true flavour name during the night (1-shot)

[Active - Angel of Light] - Your element is Light, as such you have the following one-shots:

- Check if a WU is fake
- Make a player's next action unstoppable (2-shot)
- Roleblock a player through immunities at night (2-shot)
- Target a player making their next 2 actions fail
- Cleanse a player and make them immune to status ailments for the cycle (2-shot)
- Reveal a ??? in a WU

[Active - Fate] - Revive a player, and make them being Bulletproof for the remainder of the cycle [1-shot].

[Active - Sanctuary of Judgement] - Kanade can choose one of her targets and mark them with a one time Superprotection that will last until her target is hit with a kill. If the target is the last one alive from her wincon, the protection cannot be pierced through immunities and this ability will also Omega Kill the attacker (1-shot).

[Active - The Holy Grail] - Kanade Tachibana can grant the effects of the Holy Grail to players. Upon activating this ability, Kanade will choose 6 players to participate in a R/P/S match. After the winners of the 3 matches are decided, Kanade can choose which of the following effects will be granted to the winners, 1 for each player(1-shot):

- Superbulletproof for the remainder of the cycle.
- Cleanse and immunity to all status ailments for the remainder of the cycle.
- Immunity to all harmful actions for a cycle.

[Ultimate Ability - Kabbalah Tree of Life] - Gain access to God's Path. Activate this ability to unlock all the Sephirots of the Kabbalah and perhaps even beyond that...

[Ultimate Ability - Kabbalah Tree of Life] - Gain access to the path to God. You'll permanently have the following abilities:

[Keter - The Highest Crown] - Your role and abilities becomes untargeatable by any kind of manipulation or negative effects. If you were affected by any of these type of abilities before or if you are afflicted by a status effect, they will be rendered useless. This also makes Kanade Immune to anti claim modifiers.

[Chokhmah - Understanding] - You'll know of every player that visits you.

[Binah - Knowledge] - You'll roleblock every 3rd player that visits you in the cycle.

[Chesed - Kindness] - If you are targeted by a beneficial ability, protect that player for a cycle.

[ Gevurah - Power and Judgement] - If you are killed, you can guess who killed you. If you guess correctly that player will be superkilled.

[Tiferet - Beauty] - You can amp or refill up to 2 players during the game.

[Netzach - Victory and Eternity] - You can get an additional role to protect, adding that additional role to your wincon. If you target one of your targets with any kind of ability, you'll know who they are.

[Hod - Majesty and Splendor] - Harmful abilities have a 50% chance of failing against you, except kills.

[Yesod - Foundation] - You can reuse one of your x-shots, except Fate, Sanctuary of Judgement and Holy Grail

[Malkuth - Kingdom] - Once per cycle, you'll get to know of one soul branded player.

[Active - Integration] - Merge all the Sephirots into one, creating Ain Soph. The merging will take one cycle to complete and the other Sephirot will be disabled for a cycle.

[Supreme Ability - Ain Soph] - [Locked]

[Angel Race Unique Skill] - If you are killed you may continue to post in the thread in the DP you're killed. If lynched or killed during the NP, you can post in the next DP. Upon death, you can grant a player with a permanent bulletproof passive. Your Soul cannot be taken.

Wincon: Make sure that at Chisato Nishikigi, Takina Inoue, Miku Nakano or [REDACTED] are alive until the end.​
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