Theory Vinsmoke "D." Sanji Theory (Full Thread)


Sanji is a D through Sora based on canon and subtle criteria.

The biggest indicator of such (and what made me immediately think he was) was Corazons words about Law at his death, when the Marines picked up X-Drake and Doffy thought it was Law. "What kind of Coincidence is that? -- I knew it Law, you're being kept alive. -- Time and time, God sends you a hand of salvation." ---- These same words, fit every D thus far, having this 'coincidence' and 'luck' where things happen or people save them always being in the right place or right time to rescue them like the world is keeping them alive.
---This same thing happens with Sanji, like constantly, the world is telling Sanji to live no matter how much he tries to sacrifice himself and has been said by Zeff and Usopp to have some special luck. --
Made cases for Shanks and Luffy, Roger and Rouge, Garp and Saul, Law and Ace, Vivi, and Cobra.
Shanks and Luffy and Cobra and Sabo being the biggest one.
--Shanks was on a long voyage -- just so happens to get there in time to save Luffy.
--Sabo -- just so happens to be there to save Cobra.

Next indicator. All Ds that have died in the story so far that we know of have either chosen to die or sacrificed themselves. They don't die until they decide to. Cases: Roger (chose to die), Rouge, Ace, Cobra (sacrifice), Garp and Saul (tried to sacrifice).
Sanji is constantly trying to sacrifice, but the world keeps him alive since he hasn't actually made peace with that choice, wants to but sitll doubts/regrets/conflicted. Yet, Sora did sacrifice, just like Rouge.

Enemies to Gods. Cora says the Ds are the natural enemies of the Celestial Dragons.
-Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, and Usopp were all shown when Kureha spoke of the Will of D still being alive.
-Those same four attacked CDs. But only Sanji and Luffy did it on purpose and/or had their attack go through. Zoro was stopped and Usopp fell by accident.

-Those same four were the ones shown when Rayleigh first entered with CoC. But only Luffy and Sanji were grayed out.

Death Smile: Not complete fitting for a mark of the D and Blackbeard, Cobra, and Vivi did not smile at death.
But if a mark, Sanji did when he left to sacrifice himself in Zou.

That's the shortest I can get it.

Sanji is a D through Sora based on canon and subtle criteria.

The biggest indicator of such (and what made me immediately think he was) was Corazons words about Law at his death, when the Marines picked up X-Drake and Doffy thought it was Law. "What kind of Coincidence is that? -- I knew it Law, you're being kept alive. -- Time and time, God sends you a hand of salvation." ---- These same words, fit every D thus far, having this 'coincidence' and 'luck' where things happen or people save them always being in the right place or right time to rescue them like the world is keeping them alive.
---This same thing happens with Sanji, like constantly, the world is telling Sanji to live no matter how much he tries to sacrifice himself and has been said by Zeff and Usopp to have some special luck. --
Made cases for Shanks and Luffy, Roger and Rouge, Garp and Saul, Law and Ace, Vivi, and Cobra.
Shanks and Luffy and Cobra and Sabo being the biggest one.
--Shanks was on a long voyage -- just so happens to get there in time to save Luffy.
--Sabo -- just so happens to be there to save Cobra.

Next indicator. All Ds that have died in the story so far that we know of have either chosen to die or sacrificed themselves. They don't die until they decide to. Cases: Roger (chose to die), Rouge, Ace, Cobra (sacrifice), Garp and Saul (tried to sacrifice).
Sanji is constantly trying to sacrifice, but the world keeps him alive since he hasn't actually made peace with that choice, wants to but sitll doubts/regrets/conflicted. Yet, Sora did sacrifice, just like Rouge.

Enemies to Gods. Cora says the Ds are the natural enemies of the Celestial Dragons.
-Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, and Usopp were all shown when Kureha spoke of the Will of D still being alive.
-Those same four attacked CDs. But only Sanji and Luffy did it on purpose and/or had their attack go through. Zoro was stopped and Usopp fell by accident.

-Those same four were the ones shown when Rayleigh first entered with CoC. But only Luffy and Sanji were grayed out.

Death Smile: Not complete fitting for a mark of the D and Blackbeard, Cobra, and Vivi did not smile at death.
But if a mark, Sanji did when he left to sacrifice himself in Zou.

That's the shortest I can get it.
Sanji is one of the only characters with a named mother so it might be possible