Volume 110 - Discussion Thread (November 1st, 2024)

Idk man cry about it
Where going to get the other 4 remaining zodiacs sooner rather than later anyway

I think they will
Yeah sure keep believing your dumb orange admiral fan fiction theory.

There is a difference between believing that a orange Marine exists, and thinking that he or she will suddenly become an Admiral.
"In name": name of a great swordsman, literally Gennai Aramaki.

"can't fight": well, oda had just to say if three times, in VCs too; meanwhile, Mihawk was stalled by Vista;

"nothing remotely similar to a BB":

Guys, it's fine not believing in it, but be real.
You have to be 10 different levels of idiotic to look at a drawing of 2 characters (2 fodders btw) with only one them being a swordsman and still carry on with this fantasy the the non swordsman has accomplished a feat that only 2 swordsmen with world's strongest portrayal have. :ihaha:

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Aramaki's character in the movie fights 100 men to protect his girl, using swords

A cop who fell in love with a prostitute, then dudes try to jump on her (possibly killing her) and then he kills all of them

Maybe thats the reason he got arrested?
This sets up an interesting parallel with Sanji and I forgot her name, O-Some I think in Onigashima? The geisha he saved from Queen? She loved Sanjis soba stand or something? Or she came to see him at the end of Wano and said something about his food? Plus Chuuji her mouse parallels Sanji feeding mice as a child ofc?

And who appeared at the end of Wano ofc? And fasted for 3 years along with what you said there?

Under different circumstances I think Sanji and Aramaki would get along well maybe, if they had some different choices/paths in life maybe, similar to Law, Fujitora, Zoro and Mihawk collectively? All 4 together I mean?
You have to be 10 different levels of idiotic to look at a drawing of 2 characters (2 fodders btw) with only one them being a swordsman and still carry on with this fantasy the the non swordsman has accomplished a feat that only 2 swordsmen with world's strongest portrayal have. :ihaha:
The you must be at the ultimate levels of blindness to not seeing this :goyea::

Not to mention, to not see the name of a character :myman:
At some point,
Marines needs to have serious discussion about the way they train their soldiers

Two ex convicts was given immediate Admiral Position despite being war criminals

Some random kingdoms able to grow far strongest fighters than Marines?
This just means Fuji and Ryo were naturally talented freaks. Most people will never become as fast as Usain Bolt, no matter how much they try.
Are you honestly trying to tell me what can't happen in a fictional manga where characters can do fictional things?
No, I am saying that in OP we have seen weapons of steel or wood and they don't have hamons because hamons comes from steel tempering and are typical of katanas.

As of now, this is.
Yeah sure keep believing your dumb orange admiral fan fiction theory.

There is a difference between believing that a orange Marine exists, and thinking that he or she will suddenly become an Admiral.

He doesn’t have to be an admiral if kizaru keeps his position. I think they’ll be extremely strong regardless and similar to kizaru

Basing it off of how oda handled the other 2 pre timeskip admirals and their replacement