Zoro’s current set of swords includes wado ichimonji, sandai kitetsu, and enma. Imo each sword is going to play a big role in Zoro getting stronger

Zoro gained king of hell in wano during his fight with king. With the form massively boosting his armament output aka attack power

For wado it’s not going to help increase his power output like enma but it might help against shiryu. With it potentially playing a role in an other new form but this time involving observation haki. Basically like a more extreme version of when he unlocked haki again daz. Zoro being able to completely sense shiryu despite not being able to see him
It’d be cool if as a visual representation of the form he opens his scar
Finally his kitetsu it might have some ties to how zoro is capable of activating asura. It also out of the 3 blades he has is the one he’s most likely to have replaced by a different blade. If he for some reason does get a new sword I can imagine him upgrading to shodai kitetsu
With shodai maybe he will be capable of using a stronger version of his current asura and/or just be able to use it longer as a stable form. As for where he gets it maybe from nasjuro but other then that idk