Theory Wano ending theory

> Luffy awakens his devil fruit in order to beat Kaido, uses conquerors with his awakening too.

> Sanji gets new ability names, like Zoro's upgraded moves, or a new ability. Sanji dispatches of Queen really fast. Neither use conquerors in the fight

> Zoro uses has a conquerors moment to beat King with conquerors.

> Sanji goes on to help X Drake and Apoo. This might be his Vergo situation depending on how strong the CP0 are.

> Zoro runs into Smoothie and basically Monet's her. She might start being obsessed with him like Tashigi is.

> Sanji saving Robin from CP0.

> Usopp gets his moment

> Kaido keeps fighting and isn't out.

> Wano people see Zoro kill Kaido

> They win the war and it becomes Luffys Roxs story

> Rayleigh gets a tear in his eye because he's so proud

> News that Luffy with Kid and Law beat Big Mom and Kaido.

Let me add something here real quick after ZKK happens (assuming if it does happens).

> Mihawk read the newspaper and say, "Zoro, it looks like we'll be able to meet soon."