Theory Wano VS Battles

Off the top of your head, who did Marco fight in the Summit War?

Who did Luffy, Crocodile, Jinbe or any of the others fight? The answer is simple, everyone. It was an all out brawl with a few note worthy clashes here and there and of course the deaths of Ace & Whitebeard.

The point I'm trying to make is, with so many characters in Onigashima and still more to come, there won't be any one on one battles were a clear victor is decided. What made Marine Ford the legend it is today was that it wasn't like any other battle we've seen in the series, so matching up who'll fight who is pretty pointless.

Now that we're slowly reaching the climax, it's clear Luffy won't be facing Kaido any time soon. There's a bunch of other characters who'll get in his way in which he'll have to take down.

Law mentioned in Punk Hazard that many don't even get to see the Yonko's face when trying to dethrone one.

Luffy will eventually get to Kaido but only after he's dealt with his subordinates & allies, which is why I believe his first significant fight will be against Queen.

Zoro is lost and he may run into Kanjuro, this way he prevents the enemy getting to one of the figureheads.

Like chess once the leader falls then the war is over. The army gets demoralized from there it turns into an onslaught.

The enemy have Kaido, Orochi and Big Mom. The allies have Momonosuke, Luffy, Law, Hyogoro & Kidd.

Kaido's side is at a disadvantage because as we've seen, as strong as she is, Big Mom is very fragile. If you're able to exploit her mental state, then you've taken her out of commission. Orochi is a coward, he'll cause more harm for his side than good. His forces will be unable to fight freely as Orochi's 20 year curse will force to make selfish decisions for his own self preservation.

Kaido's strong subordinates seem to only respect him. Even amongst the calamities, King & Queen don't have respect for each other. Kaido (I assume this was the case of the Rocks crew) is the glue that holds them all together. The allies only need to kill Kaido to win whilst Kaido has multiple targets. Even if one of the allied leaders fall, Luffy has the charisma to make them all fall in line and fight with him, this is what I believe Mihawk saw and why he said he has the most dangerous power in the world.
When Orochi heard about the raid happening he will retreat back into the castles in Onigashima along with his samurais rather than assisting Kaido's forces. This will cause confusion and reduce the morale of the enemy ranks. I also believe Kinemon and Denjiro will somehow infiltrate into Orochi quarters and slaughter him. I think it is their job as the leader and the founding member of scabbards.