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Not the biggest fan of his vote tbh, he usually is more the type of sit back and actually think things through as townie. From little of what I have seen though.

Also, to clarify he is still townie lean for me, but falling in the ranks. Only thing I have on him that helps his case is that I don't think he would fake claim being poisoned. But maybe... just Maaaaybe he attempted to do a 5d chess move.
How many people do you have reads on?
Can you make a list


Sinister Blade
I am town, wtf you mean I am outed? naomi pls use your brain. Me not allowing someone to copy my ability and knowing that person is not even in my townie pile does not mean I am outed, wtf? lol. It's the normal behavior of any sane townie.
tell me your read on me and flower after all of this
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