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I'm probably eating a lynch redirect now.
btw sorry for flaming u earlier
i was pissed off bc u werent really giving me a chance to try and figure out what happened with my ability (tho i still never figured out what happened)
sorry for bringing up bad memories of ur high school, i figured the whole thing was abt u getting lynched despite ur truth tell

i still think u can be pretty aggravating as fuck to play with at times, but i think ur fine u outside of games so i shouldnt have gotten personal with it


What could have been...
1) You are cooked since you're PoE fodder.

2) You hate the Time Stop and clearly want it gone.

3) You love coordinating with the other teams in such games as your main goal is to destroy Town.

That's 3. You're done.
1. what?

2. i've explained why that ability is objectively harmful to town, i haven't yet seen you contest that explanation. you still had me as town the first time I contested your use of the ability. what made it scummy now?

3. that doesn't explain why i'd be open scumming "now", as opposed to say, day 7, when I had no votes on me today until earlier


What could have been...
Is that your serious post... the old What's my motivation in this scene. Dead line of inquiry, the benefits of any answer to that question would be negligible
it acts as a sanity check. she makes a claim that i am open scumming, i am directly contesting that claim, cuz im sure she doesnt believe in it nor has thought about the motivation behind it
btw sorry for flaming u earlier
i was pissed off bc u werent really giving me a chance to try and figure out what happened with my ability (tho i still never figured out what happened)
sorry for bringing up bad memories of ur high school, i figured the whole thing was abt u getting lynched despite ur truth tell

i still think u can be pretty aggravating as fuck to play with at times, but i think ur fine u outside of games so i shouldnt have gotten personal with it
All good. I have entered chill mode now anyhow. I just want people to know why I'm angry and always lashing out so it can be avoided in the future. I used to be much nicer before I kept getting insulted in games all the time and wish to return to that as this is who I really am.
Council votes
DAY 1, VC4, Council
up to post #5,892


Ratchet - 7
Worst - 6
Saber - 5

TheAncientCenturion - 4
The Orca - 4
MangoSenpai - 2
Michelle - 2
Underworld Broker - 1
Naomi - 1
Mashiro Blue - 1
Natalija - 1


Saber: Saber > Saber
Indigo: Flower > Barrack Obama (not sure who that is so for now I'm gonna count it as unvote) > Underworld Broker > Ratchet
Flower: Flower > Naomi > Worst > Ratchet > Princess Abigail > Underworld Broker > Ratchet
Naomi: Flower > Unvote > TheAncientCenturion > The Orca > Worst > Ratchet > The Orca > MangoSenpai > Ultra > Ratchet
York: Indigo > T-Pein > The Orca
Polar Bear: Polar Bear > Saber > Zemmi > The Orca > Princess Abigail > The Orca
hime: hime > T-Pein > TheAncientCenturion > unvote > Worst > TYRANT > MangoSenpai
Ultra: T-Pein > Saber > TheAncientCenturion > TYRANT
Pot Goblin: Flower > TheAncientCenturion
Mr. Reloaded: Indigo > Saber
Zemmi: TYRANT > TheAncientCenturion
The Orca: Naomi > Indigo > Saber > The Orca > The Orca (again)
Alwaysmind: Saber
Alexis2282AE: Saber
Random Asshole: Saber > TheAncientCenturion
Dr. Watson: TheAncientCenturion > Ratchet
TheAncientCenturion: TYRANT
BakiDou: T-Pein > Ratchet
Emil: Michelle > Michelle (again)
Rej: Naomi
Mashiro Blue: Ratchet
Ratchet: Mashiro Blue
Lord Melkor: Flower > Worst
AkaneSQ: Michelle
Charlie: Ratchet > Worst
TYRANT: MangoSenpai > Zemmi > TheAncientCenturion > TYRANT
Logiko: Saber
Adam: Worst
Sallucion: blank ballot > MangoSenpai
xenos5: Ratchet
Natalija: TheAncientCenturion The Orca
MangoSenpai: Worst
Worst: Underworld Broker
Underworld Broker: Worst
Yo Tan Wa: OddOddFruit > Worst
Yoho: Yoho > Natalija

Quotes (new ones, old ones in previous VCs for Council)

Vote Ratchet for Council
Vote Ratchet for Council.
Vote Council Ratchet
Vote Ratchet for council
Vote Nat for council
Vote Council Worst

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