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I don't know what he or others say behind closed doors or behind my back, but in general I have no issue with him. He seems to be able to discern fact from fiction and not beholden to artificial lies, propaganda or even agendas facilitated by a select few.

It's been a trying few months and I'm beyond exhausted.

The truth is out there. Whether one wants to be believe it or not will be on them.

I know that if ever called upon id step up for anyone here and that even goes for those few, thats bc of my integrity and the way I was raised. I know most of those would not. The jury is out on everyone else, but I have faith in humanity
Hmmm i'm pretty sure i didn't played with Saber before ( unless it's a new UN ) but it's a bit weird that a town would poison him o early and just because of this council thing.....

That was the right move vice president harris!
saber said he was queen so maybe ppl know him by that name
I don't know what he or others say behind closed doors or behind my back, but in general I have no issue with him. He seems to be able to discern fact from fiction and not beholden to artificial lies, propaganda or even agendas facilitated by a select few.

It's been a trying few months and I'm beyond exhausted.

The truth is out there. Whether one wants to be believe it or not will be on them.

I know that if ever called upon id step up for anyone here and that even goes for those few, thats bc of my integrity and the way I was raised. I know most of those would not. The jury is out on everyone else, but I have faith in humanity
i see :pepecafe:


King of Knights
And another thing is

Saber himself said he is focused on council and not the game, the guy didn't accuse anyone of being scum prior to me, so why would scum panic and try and poison him?

Isn't it more valuable to try and cozy up to him for favor if he gets elected to council?

i was already one of the top 3 winners of the elections
despite trump being one of the submissions, this fucking mafia game isn't the usa presidential election, and i would never expect that claiming to be poisoned would get me votes (and it didn’t)
this shit is actually maddening
jesus christ
It is just case of probability

It is a lot more probable for it to be rookie scum or fake than townie with scum ability firing so early and recklessly
its literally not tho lol
"rookie scum" would be in a chat with other ppl to help them with abilities
rookie town would fit so much easier

as for it being fake, i dont know
its possible but given its an srm, there r probs wu checkers so it would be a bit of a risk tbh
wont rule it out entirely tho ig, could be saber trying to act like a true politician kek
bitch this is a mafia game no one would actually expect this to work
This post of saber just rubbed me off a bit... just a tiny bit off..... I found it a weird way to defend himself.... I do know from what he stated in previous game that he would try an attempt doing crazy stuff mechanically, but in this scenario he isn't really doing anything mechanically but is faking it hoping to achieve something. But maybe he was hoping to achieve the same outcome? But I don't think he would do that still tbh.

Medical Touchup was used on ???

Telekinesis has been used on ???

Florist was used on ???​

I think one way to end this dispute once and for all if the heal he got is real or not. He stated of being healed after prof posted these action abilities.

Medical Touchup seems to be a healing ability, which I guess checks out with him being healed.


This forum is retarded.
both me and flower cant be in a neighbour chat
saber was winning the vote count for council, someone poisoned him, then he got healed.
xenos claimed he heals bleed.

adam looks to claim saber is faking it for votes.
A council eww

i was already one of the top 3 winners of the elections
despite trump being one of the submissions, this fucking mafia game isn't the usa presidential election, and i would never expect that claiming to be poisoned would get me votes (and it didn’t)
this shit is actually maddening
jesus christ

If you are townie which tbh I do think you are at the moment. It can be a bit tilting I guess getting into this rabbit hole cause you claimed poisoned and it was legit rofl.


King of Knights
This post of saber just rubbed me off a bit... just a tiny bit off..... I found it a weird way to defend himself.... I do know from what he stated in previous game that he would try an attempt doing crazy stuff mechanically, but in this scenario he isn't really doing anything mechanically but is faking it hoping to achieve something. But maybe he was hoping to achieve the same outcome? But I don't think he would do that still tbh.

I think one way to end this dispute once and for all if the heal he got is real or not. He stated of being healed after prof posted these action abilities.

Medical Touchup seems to be a healing ability, which I guess checks out with him being healed.
think, how claiming to be poisoned would help me achieve anything, "confirm" me as town, when everyone knows that in the fucking weeb games, there are multiple scum factions?
think, who the fuck would vote someone because they claimed poisoned?
think, I was already doing well in the elections
think, there was a poison-related ability in the WU where I was poisoned, and shit literally called 'medical touchup' in the one where I was healed
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