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Mashiro Blue

๐“ฆ๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฑ ๐“พ๐“น๐“ธ๐“ท ๐“ช ๐“ผ๐“ฑ๐“ธ๐“ธ๐“ฝ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ฐ ๐“ผ๐“ฝ๐“ช๐“ป โœฐ
Night Ends

Lunar Eclipse was activated to skip the night

DP 4 has started

You have 48h to discuss



Lead them to paradise.
Night Ends

Lunar Eclipse was activated to skip the night

DP 4 has started

You have 48h to discuss


Night Ends

Lunar Eclipse was activated to skip the night

DP 4 has started

You have 48h to discuss

Night 3 ends


Lead them to paradise.

??? Mafia ultrakills @Sallucion / Lyon
You are Lyon and Viktor!

"This is why elves are simply superior." - Lyon

"Why don't we make a wager on it?" - Viktor

[Passive - Friend Nobody Likes] Even Lyon's allies don't seem to like him that much. Perhaps due to his snobbish, racist, arrogant personality. It will take one less vote to get him lynched.
---[Low Charisma]--- Due to his horrendous charisma stat, Lyon will automatically reject neighbor chats.

[Passive - Noble Nepotism] Lyon revels in his superior position within society, often using it as a means of bragging over his allies. Due to his family connections, he will automatically be granted a seat on the Night Council.

[Passive - Bladesinger] As a talented elven bladesinger, Lyon is deftly elusive when it comes to evading enemy maneuvers. He will dodge the first kill attempt on him on odd cycles.
---[Acrobatic Mobility]--- Lyon's jaw-dropping feats of agility make him difficult to pin down. He will not trigger reactive abilities while visiting a target.
---[Elven Finesse]--- Lyon's remarkable dexterity makes grants him immunity to roleblocks as he easily finds his way around obstacles.

[Active - Counterspell] One of the most useful spells up any wizard's sleeve, nothing beats shutting down an adversary via way of a well timed Counterspell. Lyon can destroy an action from a write-up as long as it isnโ€™t a kill, revive, or a one-shot. [1-Shot]

[Active - Haste] Lyon can activate this spell to move at superhuman speeds, granting himself double action and giving himself top priority for a phase. [1-Shot]

[Active - Rapier Strike] Lyon can thrust his rapier into a target, destroying one of their x shots.
---[Green Flame Blade]--- Lyon can activate this spell to make his [Rapier Strike] also leave the burn status effect, disabling one of his target's passive abilities. [2-Shot]
---[Booming Blade]---
Perhaps Lyon's favorite spell, he can envelop his sword in magic energy while striking a target with [Rapier Strike]. If his target uses an action for the remainder of the phase they will have one of their X-Shots permanently destroyed. [1-Shot]

[Passive - Soulrender] The cursed sword in Lyon's possession makes it so that if any player dies in the same phase that Lyon has targeted him with an ability, he will gain one of their abilities permanently.
---[Animate Dead]--- Lyon can channel Soulrender's necromantic energy to raise a deceased corpse, allowing him to steal the ability of a dead player as long as it isnโ€™t a one shot. Cannot be used on kills. [2-Shot]

[Active - Calling His Aunt] When all else fails, Lyon can call on his most powerful weapon: his connection to his aunt. He can ask his archmage aunt to rewind time for him, undoing a write-up and refunding all actions. [1-Shot]

[Passive - Professional Gambler] Few can rival Viktor in a game of chance. He will always succeed against chance-based abilities.

[Passive - Pelor's Chosen] Despite his tiefling lineage, Viktor was chosen to be one of Pelor's Aurors as a young child. Due to his connection with the god of light, Viktor will gain twice as much karma.
---[Infernal Heritage]--- As a tiefling touched by the Nine Hells, Viktor is immune to having his passive abilities burned.

[Passive - Art of Deception] Despite being a member of town, Viktor is willing to lie when itโ€™s to his benefit and is quite good in doing so. He will be able to fool lie detects with his false statements.

[Active - Prep Time] Give Viktor enough time and his careful planning can solve most problems he can run up against. He can charge an action of his, delaying it for a cycle but making it unstoppable. Can be used once a phase.

[Active - Inquisitor] As one of Pelor's Aurors, Viktor has plenty of experience tracking people down. At night he can target a player and track them. [2-Shot]

[Active - Occult Investigator] Viktor's line of business has given him a keen investigative eye. He can target of an ability in a write-up to reveal its target. [1-Shot] This ability cannot reveal kills.

[Active - Card Blast] Viktor can throw a magically charge explosive playing card that will destroy his targetโ€™s next action. [2-Shot]

[Active - Master of Illusions] As a trickster cleric, Viktor specializes in illusion magic. He has access to the following spells and abilities.
---[Prestidigitation]--- Viktor can conjure a fake write-up. [2-Shot]
---[Minor Illusion]---
Viktor can create an illusion to draw his target's attention, redirecting them to a target of his choosing. [2-Shot]
Viktor can change the appearance of two players, causing them to be bus-driven with each other. [1-Shot]
---[Invoke Duplicity]---
Viktor can create a clone to hide behind, avoiding negative actions including kills for a phase. [1-Shot]

[Active- Glyph Trap] One of Viktor's more dangerous tricks, he can plant trapped cards around an area. He may choose a player to place a series of trapped cards around. The first person to visit that player will lose an X-Shot. [2-Shot]

[Active - Persuasive Charm] Viktor's silver tongue makes it easy for him to get his way when it comes to convincing people. Viktor can vote redirect another player to a wagon of his choosing. [2-Shot]

[Active - Foul Book] Locked.
---[Open Book]--- Viktor can crack open the book just a little, causing everyone around him to become consumed by terror. This will rolecrush every player who visits Viktor for a night. [1-Shot]

??? Mafia superkills @Naomi / ???

Hide Nebby was used on ???

Autonomous was activated

Hide Nebby was used on ???

Telekinesis was used on ???

Yakou Furio was used on ???

Desuhiko Thunderbolt was used on ???

Focalor was used on ???

I'm Afraid For The Calendar, It's Days Are Numbered! was activated

Dance of the Dead was used on ???

Ensnare was used on ???

Florist was used on ???

Florist was used on ???

Florist was used on ???

Person of Interest was used on ???

Search Warrant was used on ???

Shalamayne was used on ???

Kami Kill nonsense blaster V2.905b was activated

Skeletal Stead was activated

Sucker Punch was used on ???

Hyperfang was used to ultrakill @Gadonkadonk/ Omar
You are Omar!

"You come at the king, you best not miss."
[Passive - Community Support] Because of how Omar treats his community, they have his back and look out for him, alerting them when people are after him. Omar will learn the name of any player who targets him and what type of action they used.

[Passive - Code of Honor] Omar won't turn his gun on anyone who isn't playing 'the game' or doesn't have it coming. He cannot kill a player, including with the faction kill, that hasn't voted on a lynch or killed another player.
---Can't Hurt a Child--- Omar's kills will always fail on roles that are children.

[Passive - Experienced Hitman] Despite his polite demeanor, Omar is a fiercely skilled killer and won't be evaded easily. His faction kills are immune to roleblocks and will always find their target.
---[Revenge Killer]--- There's no quicker way to find yourself on the wrong side of Omar's shotgun than to hurt one of his allies. Following a pro mafia player's death, the next kill Omar carries will always be upgraded by a stage.
---[Death Seeker]--- Omar isn't worried about preserving his own life, only getting his target. In the event heโ€™s killed the night he carries out a kill, all kills from him will be amped to ultrakills.

[Passive - Sinister Whistling] The worst part of being on the receiving end of one of Omarโ€™s hits is knowing heโ€™s coming ahead of time and not being able to stop it. If Omar claims to a person heโ€™s going to kill them, then Omar will be able to kill them through protects the following night.

[Active - Shotgun Spread] Omar prefers to use a shotgun for a reason. When needed it can hit just about everything in front of you. Omar can activate this ability to kill everyone visiting his target during a faction kill attempt. [1-Shot] Non-refillable

[Active - Scope Out] Omarโ€™s secret to success is often good surveillance. Waiting outside of his marks location to get a lay of their set up and learn their routine. Omar can target another player and rolewatch them, receiving their full role as well as learning anyone who visited them. Usable once a cycle.

[Active - Career Thief] Omar makes his living as a thief, and wonโ€™t hesitate to nab a score if the circumstances line up for it. Omar can steal a shot of an ability from a person he has previously rolewatched with [Scope Out], excluding one shots. [2-Shot]

[Active - Omarโ€™s Coming] When Omar is on the move people tend to stay out of his way. Omar can activate this ability to become immune to all actions for a phase excluding kills. [2-Shot]

[Active - Lay Low] Part of Omar's success comes from his ability to hide out and not be found between jobs and that includes shuffling from one safe house to the next and never being where they expect you. Omar can bus drive himself and another player. [1-Shot]

[Active - Homecooked Meal] Omar may cook a homemade meal for one of his mates, those that eat it will feel rejuvenated. Target a player and heal them from status effects.[2-Shot]

[Active - Indeed No Doubt] Omar is always quick to second the truth. He can take a post and lie detect it each phase.
---[Testimony]--- Omar can choose to make an official statement under oath, he can reveal a mod-confirmed factual statement in the thread. [1-Shot]

Hydra Spawn was used on ???

Fel Shroud was activated​

Only The Wind was activated

Hand Chainsaw was used to Ultra Kill ???, ??? and

@Charlie / Rust Cohl has been Ultra Killed
You are Rust Cohle!

โ€œThe world needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door.โ€
[Passive - Hardboiled Detective] Rust isn't perfect as a detective, and it is possible for him to make mistakes. But what separates him is how quickly he picks back up on the trail after a bad turn in the investigation. Rust cannot be fooled by lawyer or framer type abilities two nights in a row.
---[Extra Motivation]--- Being backed against a corner will only light a fire until Cohle more as he goes through with his investigation. Rust can choose to upgrade one of his abilities at night any time town consecutive town mislynches happen in a row.
---[Nerves of Steel]--- Following an attempt on his life, Cohle will only work harder to solve his case. If he survives a kill, he will be immune to redirects the following cycle.

[Passive - Workaholic] The main thing that sets Rust apart from other detectives isnโ€™t his intellect, analytical abilities, his skill, or his ability to read other people which are all considerable. Itโ€™s the fact that he never gives up on a case and has the relentless work ethic to see it through. At the end of each even cycle, Rust can refill one of his own abilities.
---[Insomnia]--- Rust doesnโ€™t sleep, he only dreams. And those dreams often keep him awake at night. His priority cannot be downgraded at night.

[Passive - The Cynic] Rust might have dedicated his life to the greater good, but you can be sure that it isnโ€™t out of any belief in a higher power. He isnโ€™t interested in whatever the karma shop is selling because, at the end of the day, he knows itโ€™s all an elaborate delusion. He will not gain any karma throughout the course of this game.

[Passive - Recovering Addict] Rust tries to stay clear of substances lest he find himself falling off of the wagon. Heโ€™ll reject upgrades, double actions, refills, and other buffs from other players.

[Passive - Hard to Handle] Rust isnโ€™t good for people and wears down those who try to be close to him. The second time a player visits Rust it will burn one of their passive abilities.

[Active - Person of Interest] Rust Cohle can look into another player as he works his case, learning what their flavor is. [2-Shot]
---[Further Inquiry]---
Rust can use this ability a second time on the same player, this time learning one of their abilities in basic terms. Subsequent uses will continue to further reveal more of the player's abilities on future visits.

[Active - Search Warrant] Rust Cohle has a natural aptitude for police work, and the rare combination of drive to go with it that makes for a truly skilled detective. Once heโ€™s identified a suspect, heโ€™ll do everything he can to get down to the truth. Each night, he can investigate another player to learn their alignment.

[Active - Interrogation] Rust Cohle can bring another player in for questioning, jailing them, and creating a neighbor chat with them at the same time for a phase. [2-Shot]
---[Size Them Up]---
Rust is a master interrogator, able to sense the faintest trace of weakness in another person. He can lie detect a statement the other player made in his jail chat from Day 2 onward. [1-Shot]

[Active - Uncovering the Truth] Rust Cohle is an expert at getting down to the bottom of things, especially when others are trying to keep it from him. He can check a write-up to reveal the target of an action. Except for kills. [1-Shot]

[Active - Search The Victim] Rust excels at analyzing crime scenes. He can target a dead player to learn who they visited in the last cycle. [2-Shot]
---[Thorough Investigation]---
Rust can target the same dead player a second time to learn the name of one person that visited them the cycle of their death. Each subsequent time he uses this ability he will learn of another visitor until he runs out of people who visited them that cycle.
Scope Out was used on ???​

The Oldsmobile was activated​

Indeed No Doubt was activated​

Illusion Charm was activated​

3 Horse Mahai was used on ???​

Inquisitor was used on ???

Card Blast was used on ???​

Master of Illusions was used on ???

??? was used to kill @Polar Bear / Viktor
You are Lyon and Viktor!

"This is why elves are simply superior." - Lyon

"Why don't we make a wager on it?" - Viktor

[Passive - Friend Nobody Likes] Even Lyon's allies don't seem to like him that much. Perhaps due to his snobbish, racist, arrogant personality. It will take one less vote to get him lynched.
---[Low Charisma]--- Due to his horrendous charisma stat, Lyon will automatically reject neighbor chats.

[Passive - Noble Nepotism] Lyon revels in his superior position within society, often using it as a means of bragging over his allies. Due to his family connections, he will automatically be granted a seat on the Night Council.

[Passive - Bladesinger] As a talented elven bladesinger, Lyon is deftly elusive when it comes to evading enemy maneuvers. He will dodge the first kill attempt on him on odd cycles.
---[Acrobatic Mobility]--- Lyon's jaw-dropping feats of agility make him difficult to pin down. He will not trigger reactive abilities while visiting a target.
---[Elven Finesse]--- Lyon's remarkable dexterity makes grants him immunity to roleblocks as he easily finds his way around obstacles.

[Active - Counterspell] One of the most useful spells up any wizard's sleeve, nothing beats shutting down an adversary via way of a well timed Counterspell. Lyon can destroy an action from a write-up as long as it isnโ€™t a kill, revive, or a one-shot. [1-Shot]

[Active - Haste] Lyon can activate this spell to move at superhuman speeds, granting himself double action and giving himself top priority for a phase. [1-Shot]

[Active - Rapier Strike] Lyon can thrust his rapier into a target, destroying one of their x shots.
---[Green Flame Blade]--- Lyon can activate this spell to make his [Rapier Strike] also leave the burn status effect, disabling one of his target's passive abilities. [2-Shot]
---[Booming Blade]---
Perhaps Lyon's favorite spell, he can envelop his sword in magic energy while striking a target with [Rapier Strike]. If his target uses an action for the remainder of the phase they will have one of their X-Shots permanently destroyed. [1-Shot]

[Passive - Soulrender] The cursed sword in Lyon's possession makes it so that if any player dies in the same phase that Lyon has targeted him with an ability, he will gain one of their abilities permanently.
---[Animate Dead]--- Lyon can channel Soulrender's necromantic energy to raise a deceased corpse, allowing him to steal the ability of a dead player as long as it isnโ€™t a one shot. Cannot be used on kills. [2-Shot]

[Active - Calling His Aunt] When all else fails, Lyon can call on his most powerful weapon: his connection to his aunt. He can ask his archmage aunt to rewind time for him, undoing a write-up and refunding all actions. [1-Shot]

[Passive - Professional Gambler] Few can rival Viktor in a game of chance. He will always succeed against chance-based abilities.

[Passive - Pelor's Chosen] Despite his tiefling lineage, Viktor was chosen to be one of Pelor's Aurors as a young child. Due to his connection with the god of light, Viktor will gain twice as much karma.
---[Infernal Heritage]--- As a tiefling touched by the Nine Hells, Viktor is immune to having his passive abilities burned.

[Passive - Art of Deception] Despite being a member of town, Viktor is willing to lie when itโ€™s to his benefit and is quite good in doing so. He will be able to fool lie detects with his false statements.

[Active - Prep Time] Give Viktor enough time and his careful planning can solve most problems he can run up against. He can charge an action of his, delaying it for a cycle but making it unstoppable. Can be used once a phase.

[Active - Inquisitor] As one of Pelor's Aurors, Viktor has plenty of experience tracking people down. At night he can target a player and track them. [2-Shot]

[Active - Occult Investigator] Viktor's line of business has given him a keen investigative eye. He can target of an ability in a write-up to reveal its target. [1-Shot] This ability cannot reveal kills.

[Active - Card Blast] Viktor can throw a magically charge explosive playing card that will destroy his targetโ€™s next action. [2-Shot]

[Active - Master of Illusions] As a trickster cleric, Viktor specializes in illusion magic. He has access to the following spells and abilities.
---[Prestidigitation]--- Viktor can conjure a fake write-up. [2-Shot]
---[Minor Illusion]---
Viktor can create an illusion to draw his target's attention, redirecting them to a target of his choosing. [2-Shot]
Viktor can change the appearance of two players, causing them to be bus-driven with each other. [1-Shot]
---[Invoke Duplicity]---
Viktor can create a clone to hide behind, avoiding negative actions including kills for a phase. [1-Shot]

[Active- Glyph Trap] One of Viktor's more dangerous tricks, he can plant trapped cards around an area. He may choose a player to place a series of trapped cards around. The first person to visit that player will lose an X-Shot. [2-Shot]

[Active - Persuasive Charm] Viktor's silver tongue makes it easy for him to get his way when it comes to convincing people. Viktor can vote redirect another player to a wagon of his choosing. [2-Shot]

[Active - Foul Book] Locked.
---[Open Book]--- Viktor can crack open the book just a little, causing everyone around him to become consumed by terror. This will rolecrush every player who visits Viktor for a night. [1-Shot]

Superspeed was activated

Vampire Sire was used on ???​

Seething Takedown was used on ???

Black was used on ???​

Basic Trap was used on ???​

Telepathic Link was used on ???

Twilight was used on ???​

Rising Hope was used on ???​

Friendship Crash was used on ???

Killer Punch was used on ???​

Star Catcher Arrow was activated​

Digging Up Bones was activated​

Digging Up Bones was activated​

Digging Up Bones was activated​

Digging Up Bones was activated

Alomancy was activated

@SoulKiller / The Doctor has revived

@Saber / ??? has revived

@Chairman TheAncientCenturion has come back from his removal

Day 4 started
You have 48 hours to discuss

Last edited:

??? Mafia ultrakills @Sallucion / Lyon

??? Mafia superkills @Naomi / ???

Hide Nebby was used on ???

Autonomous was activated

Hide Nebby was used on ???

Telekinesis was used on ???

Yakou Furio was used on ???

Desuhiko Thunderbolt was used on ???

Focalor was used on ???

I'm Afraid For The Calendar, It's Days Are Numbered! was activated

Dance of the Dead was used on ???

Ensnare was used on ???

Florist was used on ???

Florist was used on ???

Florist was used on ???

Person of Interest was used on ???

Search Warrant was used on ???

Shalamayne was used on ???

Kami Kill nonsense blaster V2.905b was activated

Skeletal Stead was activated

Sucker Punch was used on ???

Hyperfang was used to ultrakill @Gadonkadonk/ Omar

Hydra Spawn was used on ???

Fel Shroud was activated​

Only The Wind was activated

Hand Chainsaw was used to Ultra ???, ??? and

@Charlie / Rust Cohl has been Ultra Killed

Scope Out was used on ???​

The Oldsmobile was activated​

Indeed No Doubt was activated​

Illusion Charm was activated​

3 Horse Mahai was used on ???​

Inquisitor was used on ???

Card Blast was used on ???​

Master of Illusions was used on ???

??? was used to kill @Polar Bear / Viktor

Superspeed was activated

Vampire Sire was used on ???​

Seething Takedown was used on ???

Black was used on ???​

Basic Trap was used on ???​

Telepathic Link was used on ???

Twilight was used on ???​

Rising Hope was used on ???​

Friendship Crash was used on ???

Killer Punch was used on ???​

Star Catcher Arrow was activated​

Digging Up Bones was activated​

Digging Up Bones was activated​

Digging Up Bones was activated​

Digging Up Bones was activated

Alomancy was activated

@SoulKiller / The Doctor has revived

@Saber / ??? has revived

@Chairman TheAncientCenturion has come back from his removal

Day 4 started
You have 48 hours to discuss

LET'S GOOOOOO!!! ๐Ÿ—ฃ๐Ÿ—ฃ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
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