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The End and the Beginning
I don't get notified of "the targets are now King, Queen and Jack" if that's what you're saying. But I have a result, and you know I hinted at investigating you, and I also believe Indigo is town and your passive is bullshit, so I'm not going to question the result.

The only way it's wrong is if I was somehow redirected. Highly unlikely given that I wasn't allowed to post.
Redirect wouldn't work, it doesn't explain having two results, you would be redirected to the same person. Think you're just BS'ing, Fuji is very clear to me that no exception is provided. So you don't even have that out. Only way is if Indigo isn't town.
I can confirm that failed actions shows up
so one of Natalias ? ? ? could be a fail
this means that Indigo can be scum in this case/ if Natalia is town
Think that Ratchet is town
Fuji told me that failed actions don't even show up in the thread? so how come failed actions show up in the thread now? If I pick 3 targets and one of them it fails on i still think it will show up in this scenario.


Top 5 right now

5. @Flower she 100% could of subbed into a scum slot, every action that slot makes is scummy and she said herself she didn't know how to defend it

4. @Emil he claimed zatch bell but @Michelle controls his abilities I honestly can't say for sure if he's scum, town or indie but I believe we need to flip this one to solve @Michelle I think of @Emil flips scum then the odds Michelle is also scum goes down significantly

3. @ORCA when I did my investigations last day phase and narrowed down 7 suspects he was one of the 7 and it was either him or PB that tried changing my pov to the 21 tho with PB flipping town he could very well be town just looking into it

2. @Ratchet and @Natalija both of them are cold blooded murderers and are currently in a he said she said battle either one of them could be bluffing but as we saw in previous days abilities like the one Nat claimed to have used shouldn't have affected Ratchet unless she was boosted some how they could both be scum on two different teams

1. @Worst he just gives off scum vibes

This is where I'm currently working for the day
flower is scum 100% she claimed rolecrushed then that she was vanilla but still has abilities...

kek im on the fence about but he has done jack shit thread wise so i lean more scum on him

orca has also been mia from most of the game, this cycle will reveal more on his slot now that PB is no longer in game.

rat - i can see being town more than anything.

worst lol i think he should be fine i hope
I have an ability that can amp myself. I didn't want to use it, but I do need to confirm if the rails are off or not for it to work.
Yes, but I don't think Nat is necessairly scum here, you shooting like this without waiting for indigio to come and say something is just too hasty. I really hope nat flips scum for your own sake, if she dies because of this.


The End and the Beginning
Basically I have an ability that can amp my next action. I need to amp my kill to make it a day kill. When the rails are off, I no longer need to amp it because the wording says "if non town are lynched or killed it upgrades". So if non-town die it becomes a super that can be used any time. Prof confirmed that the rails are not off though, so I would need to amp it twice.

I've cancelled the kill. Can wait for Indigo I guess.
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