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Deadpool :(
Alomancy was used on ???

Indie Killer was used to ultra kill @Mashiro Blue completely​
You are Deadpool!

"I know right? You’re probably thinking, “Whose balls did I have to fondle to get into this mafia game”? I can’t tell you his name, but it rhymes with 'Puji.'"

[Passive - Rated R] Not just anyone can view Deapool. He's vulgar, violent, and Rated R, narrowing his target audience. This means he will be immune to investigative abilities from town roles this game.

[Passive - Advanced Healing Factor] Deadpool has been artificially endowed with the ability to regenerate any destroyed tissue at a superhuman rate, as well as making him immune to diseases. His healing factor is strong enough that he can survive complete incineration and decapitation making him effectively immortal. Any status effects he suffers from will be healed after just a single phase, and any time he dies he'll be brought back the following cycle. If he's janitored however it will take him 3 Cycles to recover. Only his flavor and alignment color will flip on his death. This passive cannot be disabled or bypassed in any way.
---[Say No Kids]--- Deadpool's body is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins, due to his enhanced cell regeneration, making him immune to most drugs. He will be immune to double action, refills, and amps this game.

[Passive - Merc With The Mouth] Deadpool is known for never shutting up. He can at all times of the game, including during the night phase.
---[Anti Hero]--- Deadpool may technically be a "superhero" but he is NOT a traditional hero, as evident by anyone even vaguely familiar with his character. He will not gain karma this game as his morality is too bonkers to judge.

[Passive - Fourth Wall] Since Deadpool is aware that he's a fictional character, he's able to use this knowledge to his advantage to deal with oppon-

Okay Mr Host that's enough. I think I can tell our friend what my role does myself yeah? If anyone should know what I got packing, it's me. And that guy said I never shut up. You know that’s Prof writing this right? That fucking prick.

Alright. YOU, yeah you, the player. Don't think I don't see you reading my role. Can't a man get a little privacy? Oh well, from now on you and me are gonna be best buddies okay? So first things first I need to catch you up to speed on our situation.

[Passive - Bounty Hunter] As you probably know, I do a little bounty hunting in my spare time, and I've got a list of targets to kill in this game. One of them might be a little girl but that's okay we can just steal her pokemon for that one. Or we can kill her. I'll leave that to you best buddy. The others are vampires, scum, and Johnny Depp, so I'm sure you'll have no qualms helping me take them out. And if you do? Suck it up. Because me and you, we're in this to win it.

These are our targets:
---Cosmog--- What the fuck is a Cosmog? And why exactly am I stealing a pokemon? Do I look like Team Rocket? You know what, we’re getting paid so it’s not my problem. All we gotta do is bag the fucker from a little girl. Should be just like taking candy from a baby.
---A Master Vampire--- Okay seriously who am I, fucking Blade? What kind of game are these hosts running here? Well, I'll be sure to pack my wooden stakes.
----One Purple Scum--- Finally, something that makes sense. Let’s do this.
---One Blue Scum--- Wait are neither of these teams fucking red? Who colored these mafia teams? Someone take these hosts hosting license. I waited an extra month for this shit?
---Literally Any Indie--- Easy money. After all, we’re on Worstgen and those shitbags love to claim. Not us though, we're gonna be smart about this. We’re a smart indie shitbag. Right? I swear to god if you claim indie for us Day 1 I will strangle us both!
---Jack Sparrow--- Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, my great white whale this game. I’m gonna put that handsome pelt of yours on a wall and do some unspeakable things to it. Best buddy, if it’s the last thing you and I do on this earth we’re nabbing ourselves that pirate or my name isn’t Captain Deadpool!

[Active - Scouting Arsenal] Okay, best buddy, now for our active abilities. First things first we gotta find our targets. Don't worry, I got just what we need. I stole- I mean borrowed- a few toys. We got a pokeradar, a bunch of garlic sauce, and lots and lots of rum. This will let us know if a player has any pokeballs, is a filthy blood-sucking vampire, or if they've ever dated Amber Heard. Aka this ability is gonna help us find some of our targets. We can use it each cycle.

[Active - Specialized Arsenal] No one can say I didn’t come prepared. I mean you saw my last list right? Now get a load of these. We’ve got the following toys to work with and we can use one of them each cycle.
---[Snag Ball]--- I pulled these bad boys straight out of Pokemon Colosseum. All we gotta do is chunk one of these bad boys at a little twerp with a pokemon and we got ourselves a new Chia Pet. And we'll get to keep the little critter and use its abilities as long as their trainer doesn't visit us to take it back.
---[Wooden Stakes]--- I usually prefer a good old katana, but if we're gonna be hunting vampires, we're gonna do this right best buddy. All we gotta do is use this ability and drive a stake right through that vamp's heart, killing them through any of those pesky immunities.

[Active - Desert Eagles] Okay, none of that fancy shit for this one. This right here is a good old-fashioned American steel. Sure I may be Canadian, but if we're gonna shoot up this thread I want it to be authentic. Just point, pull the trigger, and we'll hit our target with a kill. We can use these bad boys once a cycle too.

Of course, this is super role madness so our kills probably won't do jack shit. That's why we have these:
---[Breaking Out The Big Guns]--- This will let us upgrade our next kill by a stage and make it unstoppable. [2-Shot] Non refillable.
---[Okay Now For The Really Big Gun]--- This mother of all death machines will let us kill a mafia member through immunities if they’re the last member of one of their teams. [1-Shot]

[Active - Choking Gas] Just in case we need them, and I’m sure we will, I packed a few of these babies for us. We can toss one at one of these nerds and rolecrush them for a phase. [3-Shot]

[Active - Reload] You didn’t think I didn’t bring extra ammunition did you best buddy? We can use this to refill one of our abilities if we’re in a pinch. [2-Shot]

Wincon: Personally collect 4 of your bounties.

Conejo Share was used on ???

Focus Energy was activated

Hyperfang was used to ultra kill @Reborn/Munsu
You are Munsu!

"Everything that happens now is by chance. Don't ever hope that something like this will happen again."

[Passive - Legendary General] Although nowadays Munsu may look like little more than a cruel and blunt street-enforcer, he was once a legendary general of the kingdom of Jushin. A brilliant military strategist, he can put his allies in a position to succeed if they follow his orders. If Munsu tells another player to use a specific action on a target at night in the thread during the day, that person's action will be made unstoppable if they follow through.
---[Art of Confusion]--- Munsu can make creative use of dice and luck to guild his hand in deceiving his enemy. He can opt to have the host roll a dice to decide his next ability used and it will be made unstoppable.

[Passive - Lack of Direction] Even Munsu seems to barely know where he’s going when it comes to directions. If he’s redirected he will target a random player rather than the target he was sent to.

[Passive - Not A Hero] Despite a good heart beneath the surface, Munsu insists that he's not a hero, mostly due to what he feels are his past mistakes that way heavily on him today. Regardless, he will receive twice as much karma any time he engages in a engages in a lynch of a player of an opposing alignment. Although he will also lose twice as much karma for lynching a fellow town player.

[Passive - Not Even Death] Few people can say that death will not stop them and still truly mean it. Munsu is one of those people. No matter how many times he dies and returns, he cannot be sent to the Abyss.

[Passive - The Curse] Having inherited another's illness through a foe's trickery, Munsu constantly suffers from severe pain and breathing difficulty on a daily basis, causing him to make frequent use of a breathing device charm he carries on his neck. Each phase there is a 25% chance he will be rolecrushed.
---[Curse Born Immunity]--- Due to unforeseen circumstances, the nature of his curse also bears with it inborn immunity to magical powers. Neither he nor his actions can be affected by write-up manipulation abilities and his actions cannot be destroyed from write-ups. His curse also makes him immune to rolecrushes and other status effects other than amputation.
---[Curse Dependent]--- Ironically, Munsu's curse helps keep him alive. It can be healed if he is healed by other abilities 3 times throughout the game. If this happens, he will lose his The Curse passive and will die in 2 Cycles.

[Active - Illusion Charm] Prior to becoming an Angyo Onshi, Munsu received a stack of magical illusionist charms made by his friend and former king, Hae Mo Su. These charms allow him to perform a variety of illusion sorcery, giving him access to the following abilities:
---[Body Double]--- Munsu can create a body double that will last a phase. It will absorb the next action intended for himself. [X-Shot]
Target another player and make yourself appear as them to investigations, including rolecop attempts. [X-Shot]
Target another player and distract them with an illusion, disabling one of their passive abilities for a phase. [X-Shot]

[Active - Expert Gunman] Munsu's true talent in combat lies within the use of guns, frequently making us of a variety of different types of firearms.
---[Revolver]--- Day 4 or later you may target a player and RPS them, if you win you will kill them. [1-Shot] Non refillable.
---[Sawed-Off]--- Target a player and blast them away, their next action will be delayed for a phase.[1-Shot]
---[Lugar Pistols]---
Golden Lugar pistols that allow you to target a player and bleed them for 3 cycles, afterwards they will die.[1-Shot] Non refillable.
---[Grenade Launcer]--- Modified sawed off allows you to blast a player and delay their actions for a phase.[1-Shot]
Trump card concealed in his right coat sleeve. Allows you to shoot a player, rendering them vanilla for a phase. Exceptions may apply.[1-Shot] Non refillable.

[Active - Fighting Dirty] Under the effects of his own curse, Munsu is always fighting at a disadvantage, but he will use whatever means he can to bring his opponent down to his level. He can target another play and disable their passive defense for a phase. [1-Shot]

[Active - Three-Horse Mahai] As an Angyo Onshi, Munsu wields the ultimate 3 Horses Mahai medallion, allowing him to summon Phantom Soldiers who once served him in life to skewer an enemy he commands them to. He can summon them to hold a target in place, they will roleblock them for a phase.
---[Phantom Upgrades]--- If this ability is used while upgraded it will RPS a target and if you win you will rolecrush them.[1-Shot]

[Active - Mandrake Extract] Munsu can target another player with a needle laced in Mandrake Extract. The targeted player will become immune to kills for a cycle but will also be made vanilla while under its effects. [1-Shot]
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Alomancy was used on ???

Indie Killer was used to ultra kill @Mashiro Blue completely​

Conejo Share was used on ???

Focus Energy was activated

Hyperfang was used to ultra kill ??? but it failed

nooooooooo my fave indie ;-; @Mashiro Blue


King of Knights
my abilities' names:

Passives :

Skeletal Knight
Wandering Wraith
Haunting Presence
Light of The Moon
Mysterious Benefactor
Foe To Inhumans
Ghoulish Oracle

Actives :

Lost Majesty
Abyssal Slash
Space Cleave
Spectral Rescue
Vortex of The Abyss
Only The Wind
Skeletal Messenger
Skeletal Stead
Guardian Specter
ok now that i'm feeling this game again

this mf is basically an evil version of my role, I really doubt he's town
The Abyss is a mechanic in this game, and it is based on the abyss from berserk
@Reborn also claimed he had ties with it
there's no space for town skull knight in a game where both me and reborn are townies
RN probably the one bringing back scum as tree stumps btw


Sinister Blade
Alomancy was used on ???

Indie Killer was used to ultra kill @Mashiro Blue completely​

Conejo Share was used on ???

Focus Energy was activated

Hyperfang was used to ultra kill ??? but it failed

Blue coming back next cycle, i hope
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