Weirdest things that ever happened to you?


Kaido D. Stronger

The strangest thing ... there are several, one of them is that my family and I had just returned from a wedding party, I was about 11.12 years old, and the house I lived in had a 2-bedroom corridor and in the end of the corridor was the kitchen, my twin brother and I were in
room 1 going out to room 2, where my sisters were, when I arrived at the door of my sisters' room and looked down the hall (end of it) and saw my grandfather who I had already died, wearing a suit and smiling at me, I was paralyzed (it was like time stopped) and I went into the room and sat on the bed, when I looked at the door my brother was also paralyzed in the same place I was, and he entered the room and sat next to me, I said to him: did you see? he replied: Yes.
We have already dreamed of the same thing too. I find it strange, but I have seen many strange things in this life.
This is not something really big, but it's just weird.

I studied in college in a city far away from my hometown and I lived alone in boarding house. I only had 1 pen, and never cared about buying another one until the ink ran out. One day I lost my one and only pen, then I searched it everywhere in my room, in the desk, in the drawer, in binder, in dustbin, among the papers, below the bed etc but still couldn't find it. Then time passed, I haven't replaced the missing pen, and I went to college at usual, always locking my room before going.
One day I just reached home, unlocking my room, and suddenly my missing pen was there, in the middle above the desk.

Weird, searched it everywhere, couldn't find it but suddenly it appeared again in a very visible place.

Not sure if this is connected but year later I found out (from a friend that can see it) that there's some children like ghosts dwelling in stair right in front of my room.
Some crazy lady mistaken me for her ex during a bus ride a few years ago. Said that I had the nerve to show up when I personally have no idea who the hell she is. Basically, the crazy old bitch yelled at me for no reason thinking I am someone else and left in a huff.

Some elderly people need to get their eyes checked.


I made a nightmare about a war. I don't know each one. In this nightmare, I was trying to help people but I got shot. Then I was bleeding from my nose. And when I woke up my bed sheet was covered with blood. I bled from my nose for real.