Future Events We're Here to Pick Up Straw Hat - Setting the Stage for the Elbaf Arc

At the conclusion of chapter 1106, Dorry and Brogy mention that they're here to pick up Straw Hat. While it's neat that they've come to Egghead, the question lingers: why are they coming to pick up Luffy?

My theory is that they've been sent by Shanks to "kidnap" Luffy in order to get Luffy's crew to come to Elbaf and prove their worth.
The last time we saw Dorry and Brogy was on Elbaf with Shanks, which is probably how they learned about Gear 5. However, Shanks could've given them more specific instructions. At this point, Shanks is confident enough in Luffy's abilities to declare his own candidacy in the race for the One Piece, but what about Luffy's crew? If Shanks wants to be truly confident that Luffy's crew has what it takes to support the future pirate king, he may be forcing one final trial for them: retrieve their own captain.

An interesting parallel that Luffy has 9 crew members currently, the same as the number of realms in Norse mythology, which is what Elbaf will be based upon. Perhaps the goal of Elbaf will be each of Luffy's crew members clearing their own specific hurdles in order to prove themselves worthy. Maybe Shanks finally put in some favors with Mihawk, and this will be where Zoro and Mihawk's final duel will take place. This seems very contrived, and a bit too linear, but it would certainly be an interesting idea.

There are definitely logistical issues, like keeping Luffy separated from his crew for so long, and Luffy probably being able to beat most of the Giants on Elbaf by himself. However, it's fun food for though
If Shanks wants to be truly confident that Luffy's crew has what it takes to support the future pirate king, he may be forcing one final trial for them: retrieve their own captain.
If he had to pull something like this it would have been before Wano or even WCI;
Right now Dory and Brogy wouldn't even be able to kidnap Brook let alone Luffy.


My theory is that they've been sent by Shanks to "kidnap" Luffy in order to get Luffy's crew to come to Elbaf and prove their worth.
This is one of the most stupid line written on this forum.

Luffy proved his worth defeating Kaido, becoming a Yonko, a great pirate like Shanks's crew admitted.

There is nothing else for Luffy to proof. Actually Shanks is the one who has to proof himself now. Unless we forget the Greenbull incident at Wano since it was just Film Red marketing then Shanks is the one not keeping with his promise.

There is no way a few giants kidnap Luffy without making Luffy to look like a fodder.
An interesting parallel that Luffy has 9 crew members currently, the same as the number of realms in Norse mythology, which is what Elbaf will be based upon. Perhaps the goal of Elbaf will be each of Luffy's crew members clearing their own specific hurdles in order to prove themselves worthy.
I find that very interesting. Recently, some voices have been raised regarding the neglect of the rest of the Straw Hats.

Zoro and Mihawk's final duel will take place.
Since Zoro beating Mihawk is his "endgame", I believe it is still early for that to happen.
My theory is that they've been sent by Shanks to "kidnap" Luffy in order to get Luffy's crew to come to Elbaf and prove their worth.
The last time we saw Dorry and Brogy was on Elbaf with Shanks, which is probably how they learned about Gear 5. However, Shanks could've given them more specific instructions. At this point, Shanks is confident enough in Luffy's abilities to declare his own candidacy in the race for the One Piece, but what about Luffy's crew? If Shanks wants to be truly confident that Luffy's crew has what it takes to support the future pirate king, he may be forcing one final trial for them: retrieve their own captain.
Altho i think this is an absurd theory, SHs would fail horribly in this.

SH are only a yonko crew in name, but in actuality they are fodders. Dorry and Broggy would neg diff the entire crew if they tried anything. And if they have to face the RHP commanders on top of Dorry and Broggy, they are absolutely fucked.
Shanks left elbaf
Shanks' actions show that he is really serious and wants to be the Pirate King and is unlikely to try Luffy.
Shanks left Elbaf. Likely the giant pirates are here to pick Luffy up then they’ll leave Elbaf as well.

The Elbaf arc will possibly be another extermination tournament which will turn into WG vs Straw Hats + Revs
Fodder kidnap Luffy? :gokulaugh:
These types of dreams could've been possible pre TS. Not anymore. Only one capable of "kidnapping" Luffy is Shanks himself. Not fodder like Dorry and Broggy.
Elbaf will probably be where Luffy fights Blackbeard.
I will put my 2 cents in this conversation by stating that Luffy would get help from Giants rather than being kidnapped by them. The proof for this is the constant mention of Sun god in One Piece lore surrounding giants. Shanks would probably have his hands full with his fight against Blackbeard Pirates. Apart from that, the story will feel like a drag if this keeps on. So, all in all, Luffy escaping with Giants is more likely to happen than Giants actually kidnapping their "old friend" for some testing his mettle.