General & Others What’s your bold prediction for the raid

Kidd kills kaido

Kidd looks just as good as luffy possibly better which will lead to a ton of debate

Sanji will unlock new fire and advanced observation.

Yamato will fight Jack.

marco and sanji will fight queen and king in the middle of the fight they will end up on the roof

Hawkins will turn and join drake fight page one and ulti.

Brook fights apoo

chopper fights the numbers

Kidd uses the big sword to stab kaido through this

It’s revealed kidd took smoothies eye and big mom starts to target kidd after a while. Kid=mom

A Blackbeard pirate infiltrates wano to steal someone’s devil fruit just like burgress in dressrosa
0 for 11 so far
Kidd kills kaido

Kidd looks just as good as luffy possibly better which will lead to a ton of debate

Sanji will unlock new fire and advanced observation.

Yamato will fight Jack.

marco and sanji will fight queen and king in the middle of the fight they will end up on the roof

Hawkins will turn and join drake fight page one and ulti.

Brook fights apoo

chopper fights the numbers

Kidd uses the big sword to stab kaido through this

It’s revealed kidd took smoothies eye and big mom starts to target kidd after a while. Kid=mom

A Blackbeard pirate infiltrates wano to steal someone’s devil fruit just like burgress in dressrosa
Damn nothing but L's you took well hope the blackbeard thing become for true ya lol
Fukurokujuu vs Yamato
Hawkins go to the Rooftop and fight Yonkous even tho the chances of winning are minimal.
Yonkous , Luffy and Kid CoC clash will split the sky.
Zoro or Killer will cut one of Kaido's horn.
Peros beats Carrot and Wanda.
Franky will lose the first fight against Sasaki(not enough cola).
Invisible Sanji will come in clutch and save someone.
King will go to the roof.
Robin will go read Kaido's poneglyph and beat Bao Huang
Brook/Robin will face Black Maria
Usopp will shoot Tama's Kibidango inside PageOne dinosaur's mouth.. Ulti will figure out a counter .
Miss 8 got 3 correct
Luffy e Yamato defeats Kaido.
BigMom defeats Zoro kidd Killer e Law and then escape over Zeus. Then become Olin idk how.
Sanji vanishing with Black maria, defeat King without RS and then sobamask saves capital
Jimbe loses a leg vs Wiw
Franky new weapons is sasaki's korn
Perospero escapes
1 right 6 wrong