General & Others What’s your bold prediction for the raid

Kidd kills kaido

Kidd looks just as good as luffy possibly better which will lead to a ton of debate

Sanji will unlock new fire and advanced observation.

Yamato will fight Jack.

marco and sanji will fight queen and king in the middle of the fight they will end up on the roof

Hawkins will turn and join drake fight page one and ulti.

Brook fights apoo

chopper fights the numbers

Kidd uses the big sword to stab kaido through this

It’s revealed kidd took smoothies eye and big mom starts to target kidd after a while. Kid=mom

A Blackbeard pirate infiltrates wano to steal someone’s devil fruit just like burgress in dressrosa
Kidd kills kaido
Kidd looks just as good as luffy possibly better which will lead to a ton of debate
Such prediction, but it's a welcome one. I personally can't see it happening. For Kaido to die is a big bet. I can see Kidd's hate towards Kaido to the point Kidd wanna kill Kaido. If there is anyone who would make sense to end Kaido's life, it's Momonosuke, Kinemon or the whole of the Nine Scabbards or Zoro. I mean someone is gonna steal Kidd's chance for revenge (or killing if you could say so)
Lukegranders said:
Sanji will unlock new fire and advanced observation.
I'm disappointed in Sanji, but we'll see. I hope he does something.
Lukegranders said:
Yamato will fight Jack.
But Jack was in worst condition last time we saw him after his fight with the Nine Scabbards. Unless he heals up as quickly as possible since he's a Zoan DF user, but I doubt he would be in best perfect condition to continue fighting. Someone is gonna end his life I suppose. No idea who. Maybe Hawkins?
Lukegranders said:
marco and sanji will fight queen and king in the middle of the fight they will end up on the roof
Until Sanji figures a way out/away from Black Maria and her minions.
Lukegranders said:
Hawkins will turn and join drake fight page one and ulti.
I put my money on Usopp vs Ulti. I mean his Impact Dial.
Lukegranders said:
Brook fights apoo
It must happen for obvious reason.
Lukegranders said:
chopper fights the numbers
Lukegranders said:
Kidd uses the big sword to stab kaido through his chest
Maybe, but... like I said above.
Lukegranders said:
It’s revealed kidd took smoothies eye and big mom starts to target kidd after a while. Kid=mom
heh... I assume Smoothie's eye is fine. Is it her hair-style that gives you this thought thinking she lost an eye in a previous battle against Kidd? Nah.
Lukegranders said:
A Blackbeard pirate infiltrates wano to steal someone’s devil fruit just like burgress in dressrosa
For Kaido's Zoan DF to be obtained by Blackbeard is not far fetched. The 3 skulls on Blackbeard's flag gave people this kind of theory. It is a good yet bold theory.
Fukurokujuu vs Yamato
Hawkins go to the Rooftop and fight Yonkous even tho the chances of winning are minimal.
Yonkous , Luffy and Kid CoC clash will split the sky.
Zoro or Killer will cut one of Kaido's horn.
Peros beats Carrot and Wanda.
Franky will lose the first fight against Sasaki(not enough cola).
Invisible Sanji will come in clutch and save someone.
King will go to the roof.
Robin will go read Kaido's poneglyph and beat Bao Huang
Brook/Robin will face Black Maria
Usopp will shoot Tama's Kibidango inside PageOne dinosaur's mouth.. Ulti will figure out a counter .
Luffy e Yamato defeats Kaido.
BigMom defeats Zoro kidd Killer e Law and then escape over Zeus. Then become Olin idk how.
Sanji vanishing with Black maria, defeat King without RS and then sobamask saves capital
Jimbe loses a leg vs Wiw
Franky new weapons is sasaki's korn
Perospero escapes
A lot but almost all of them depend on the raid ending in failure :kayneshrug:
Xebeck and possibly Shiki coming back
Garp and an AdmiraL coming to wano
Ssg kicking ass
I expect Sanji to finished up the orgy with Black Maria's crew.

Then full-fledged big dick energy Sanji will fight King and Queen as a warm-ups.

Then he will cook Koido.

And at the end of the war, man's getting three girls on his bed.:kayneshrug:
You're not supposed to post spoilers Goat
Just your own predictions :lusalty:
BB comes in and fulfills the 3 other supernovas which stands for his devil fruit , Y,G,K
(Yami Gets Koi)
BB already has 2 df which will symbolize him making up the other 2 cubes, than he gets kaido which fulfills the 9 vision of toki
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they only need a vice admiral for kaido
Every post of yours casually transcends the previous one in terms of how fucked up its logic is, as if you're participating in the finals of a "who can type the weirdest shit while suffering a brain dysfunction" competition. And i mean this as a complement since you're not purposely trolling.

@Admiral Lee Hung If this man isn't someone's alt, then he definitely deserves a S/A cameo appearance.
Every post of yours casually transcends the previous one in terms of how fucked up its logic is, as if you're participating in the finals of a "who can type the weirdest shit while suffering a brain dysfunction" competition. And i mean this as a complement since you're not purposely trolling.
BRuh wait til its fulfilled than KBB will come in wait 3 more years
deserves a S/A cameo appearance.
S/A bruh im never an alt not disrespecting my new thread coming out really important