Character Discussion What are other examples of Greenbull acting like a clown?

I have 0 clue how GB telling the Scabbards they have no rights is clown behavior.
You made a thread. Its up to you to prove your point. Not to us to disprove it.
Albeit, that was already done.
Greenbull is clearly a flamboyant personality.
Her overreacts. He jokes around.
He is clearly not being fully serious in Wano.

This does not change the fact that Shanks managed to deter him from persuing his goals from afar.
The point you were trying to make got countered, ultimately it was moot anyways.
You made a thread. Its up to you to prove your point. Not to us to disprove it.
Albeit, that was already done.
Greenbull is clearly a flamboyant personality.
Her overreacts. He jokes around.
He is clearly not being fully serious in Wano.

This does not change the fact that Shanks managed to deter him from persuing his goals from afar.
The point you were trying to make got countered, ultimately it was moot anyways.
Being expressive doesn’t justify GB screaming at the top of his lungs, raising his hands in the air, sweating buckets, and having snot dripping down his nose lol. Especially when he has that wannabe tough guy shtick going on