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Gorosei Informer

Pretty cool, sadly rather old. But I love the story mode.
Ah nice! The story looked interesting and getting to explore an open world again in OP and Luffy focused gameplay sounded pretty promising. I heard Zoro loses the radar/map if you play as him? LMAO! Love these attentions to detail!


Zoro Worshipper
Oh snap! That makes up for his disappointing lack of importance/role in Film Z then! Always great to see the Admirals in action! He is a BEAST in Pirate Warriors 3 too! Not sure about PW4 though?

His grandeur is being recognized in the videoludic industry at long last.

He deserves it considering how prominent he shall be in the actual manga as well soon enough.

Gorosei Informer

These devs are freaking awesome! In one year, they have accomplished SO MUCH!
They have added SO much to the game!
Its such a freaking good game too!
So well polished, so much fun, so playable!
Its like a Chinese themed fantasy Borderlands with Rogue-lite elements and multiplayer online co-op too!
Absurdly good game!

