Questions & Mysteries What are your opinions on the performance of Hawkins, Drake and Apoo as members of the Worst Generation?

It would have been interesting to see if Faust (the cat mink) had any inner conflict fighting his own people. It's also odd that Apoo worked with the Numbers but never with his crew. It's hard for me to imagine that Oda simply forgot about their crews.
Oh yea I wonder are the Numbers just gonna join Apoo's crew now? I know from the reader's perspective the Numbers might not have been super impressive but that would still be a huge boost to his crew strength as far as the World Government/Morgan's are concerned
Hawkins had a decent character but was too weak and didn't use his trump card. Apoo was a coward and weak. Xdrake was brave,but weak.I put them at yonko veteran level, strength wise they were disappointing.
It would have been interesting to see if Faust (the cat mink) had any inner conflict fighting his own people. It's also odd that Apoo worked with the Numbers but never with his crew. It's hard for me to imagine that Oda simply forgot about their crews.
Trash level crewmates... probably got tossed in with the Waiters.
It's pretty weird to compare them to the "Middle" of other generations.

Prime Moria and Doflamingo and Crocodile have massively better Potrayal than them

Captain John at least has a decent legacy and we don't know about Silver Axe and the other guy enough to judge.

Granted Ace's generation was just him and Jinbei and Maybe Hancock