General & Others What can Sanji do/learn to reach the levels that the fandom expects him to reach post 1139?

I love how it’s now the fandom “expects” it not that Oda explicitly stated where Sanji’s floor was. Zoro fans cope is next level, blud is making multiple threads cause his head canon got destroyed. B-b-but sanji is interesting, b-b-but I don’t hate Sanji, b-b-but…!
Find a thread where I said I like Sanji currently. Also what head cannon if you think Prime Sanji equals Prime Luffy your the one in for a rude awakening.


The only one who can beat me is me
Not sure what triggered this because it was so sudden and the difference is so night and day that you'd almost think it's another person behind the account :kobeha:
Every dog has its day in agendapiece, lack of grass touching will always lead to mask off at some point. Only the goat Ndule is capable of taking breaks only to come back with more hatred right out the gate lmfao.